
Paul morand et l'espagne

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1992



Toulouse 2



Abstract EN:

Paul morand is mainly known for his short stories and his books telling about travels which allow to know society of the begining of the century, and all the social, tecnical and artistics changes, created and generated by the contemporary artists. This thesis explains that an important part of writer's works, his poetry, his main novels, had their origins in the approach of the spanish civilisation. In fact, spain knew how to reserve till the fifties' period, tragic and dark attachment to pain and honour, inherited from both her flemish and arab origins. Morand, on his side, regretted, since the end of the first world war, europe's decline, that europe which lighted up the world, like charles the fifth, king of spain, who dominated his whole immense empire. Morand, from his personnal experiences, discovered that he was similar to these people who are no proud but still victims. The european history and morand's, both a diplomat and a traveller, are closely linked.

Abstract FR:

Paul morand est essentiellement connu pour ses nouvelles et ses recits de voyages, qui mettent en scene la societe du debut du siecle et revelent les changements sociaux, techniques et esthetiques observes et actives par les artistes du temps. Cette these demontre qu'une part importante de l'oeuvre de l'ecrivain, ses poesies, ses principaux romans, a trouve sa racine dans l'approche de la civilisation espagnolen. En effet, l'espagne a su garder jusque dans les annees 50, un attachement sombre et tragique pour la souffrance et pour l'honneur, herite de sa double origine flamande et arabe. Morand, de son cote, a regrette, de la fin de la seconde guerre mondiale, le declin d'une europe qui eclairait le monde comme charles quint dominait son immense empire. Morand, par experience personnelle, de decouvre semblable a ce peuple epris 'honneur et pourtant toujours victime. L'histoire europeenne et l'histoire de morand, diplomate et voyageur, se trouvent ainsi tres etroitement melees.