Le féminin chez Jean Genet : il e(s)t elle
Toulouse 2Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
The dissertation is an attempt to delimitate the concept of feminine in jean genet's poetic work of the twentieth century. In his poems, narrations, plays, scripts i tryed to show the fundamental source of the feminine gender and femininity in jean genet's writing as well as the evolution of the topic through his wor. This concept of femininity took various forms among which one of the most prevailent certainly is the ambivalence of his male characters shared between "he" and "she", at once masculine and feminine. I defined the origine of the choice and, indeed, the very mechanisms which make up the feminine character. I then consider childhood, heterosexuality, threesomes, homosexuality, incest, tranvestism, transsexualism which allows me to define the cliches surrounding the notion of gender and hence i show how genet usurps such cliches by pushing back the limits. He roots that sexual transgression is in the process of writing itself and in so doing insidiously imposes the feminine as a tool to reverse social, racial, political barriers. The struggle for the aknowledgment of a gender becomes, to a larger extent that of all the oppressed who, like women, have to suffer from whatever oppression. I analysed how genet shifted from the notion of marginality to the notion of femininity as an other way of an other form of exclusion. Through the poetic and political themes, the author embarks on a search for the "mother", the "woman" he has never known. I have finally revealed this quest of an absolute image.
Abstract FR:
Nous avons tente de definir dans cette these ce qui constitue "le feminin chez jean genet" dans la poetique de l'auteur (vingtieme siecle). Nous nous employons a montrer l'impulsion fondamentale du genre feminin et de la feminite dans l'ecriture de jean genet a travers ses poemes, recits, pieces de theatre et scenarios, en respectant une certaine evolution chronologique du sujet. Nous traitons notamment de l'ambivalence des nombreux personnages masculins partages entre "il" et "elle", a la fois masculins et feminins. Nous definissons l'origine du choix et les mecanismes qui font d'un etre un personnage feminin. Nous abordons ainsi l'enfance, l'heterosexualite, les couples a trois, l'homosexualite, l'inceste, le travestisme, le transsexualisme qui nous permettent de definir les cliches entourant la notion de genre et de montrer comment genet fait eclater de telles limites. Au sein meme de l'ecriture, nous montrons comment de facon insidieuse, puis de plus en plus manifeste, l'ecrivain impose le feminin pour renverser les barrieres sociales, raciales, politiques. La lutte pour la reconnaissance d'un genre devient celle au sens large, de tous les opprimes qui, comme les femmes, ont a souffir d'une quelconque oppression. Nous analysons comment genet a partir des exclus se rapproche peu a peu de la femme que nous etudions plus particulierement. L'auteur a travers des themes poetiques et politiques part a la recherche de la mere, la femme qu'il n'a jamais connue. Nous avons defini cette quete d'une image absolue.