
L'heresiologie chez epiphane de salamine

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1987



Lille 3




Abstract EN:

This thesis is concerned with the conception that epiphanius, bishop of salamis in cyprus and a father of the church in the 4 th century had of heresiology, a literary genre which had appeared two centuries earlier, and with the methods that he used. The author and his catalogue of heresies are first of all placed in their historical and heresiological contexts and then the study itself is carried out through a detailed analysis of ten characteristic notices taken from his main work, the panarion, in such a way as to reveal his sources, analyse his way of exploiting them and elucidate his thought and composition processes. The notices chosen for this study are the notice against noetus, the gnostic heresies of menander, satornilus, basilides, carpocrates and nicolas, the notice against tatian, the heresy of the quartodecimans, that of the cathari and lastly the judeo-christian heresy of the nasoreans. The conclusions make it possible to identify or confirm the primary as well as the extremely varied secondary sources of epiphanius, to see how he composes his notices, to reconstitute the corresponding notices in hippolytus' lost syntagma and to become familiar with the traditional techniques of heresiology and the way epiphanius adapts them for his own use. Despite the difficulties of his style and his rather disconcerting language, epiphanius remains a mine of information about the 4 th century church and heresies thanks to his concern with detail, the abundance of his sources and the sufficiently faithful use he makes of them, provided that one does not stop at a simple reading of his writings but takes into account his sources and heresiological methods he employs. The greek text, with improvements on that of corpus of berlin, and my translation of the notices are added to the work.

Abstract FR:

Cette these porte sur la conception qu'epiphane, eveque de salamine de chypre et pere de l'eglise du 4e siecle, avait de l'heresiologie, genre litteraire ne deux siecles auparavant, et sur les methodes qu'il emploie. L'auteur et son catalogue d'heresies sont d'abord replaces dans leur contexte historique et heresiologique, puis l'etude elle-meme est menee a partir de l'analyse approndie d'une dizaine de notices caracteristiques tirees de son oeuvre principale, le panarion, de maniere a discerner ses sources, a analyser sa facon de les exploiter et a saisir ses methodes de pensee et de composition. Les notices choisies sont la notice contre noet, les heresies gnostiques de menandre, satornil, basilide, carpocrate et nicolas, la notice contre tatien, l'heresie des quartodecimans, celle des cathares et enfin l'heresie judeo-chretienne des nazoreens. Les conclusions de cette etude permettent d'identifier ou de confirmer les sources principales ainsi que les sources secondaires, tres variees, d'epiphane, de voir comment il compose ses notices, de reconstituer les notices correspondantes du syntagma perdu d'hippolyte, de connaitre les techniques traditionnelles de l'heresiologie et l'adaptation personnelle qu'epiphane en fait. Cet auteur difficile, au style ardu et a la langue deroutante, reste cependant une mine de renseignements sur l'eglise du 4e siecle et sur les heresies, en raison de son souci du detail, de l'abondance de ses informations et de son utilisation suffisamment fidele de ses sources, a condition que l'on ne se contente pas d'une simple lecture de ses ecrits mais que l'on tienne compte de ses sources et des procedes heresiologiques dont il use. Le texte grec (ameliore par rapport a celui du corpus de berlin) et ma traduction des notices sont joints a ce travail.