Hugo et la quête de Dieu, "lueur sur le Koran"
Montpellier 3Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
Adopting a deeper perspective, victor hugo continued after the orientales his reflections on the orient in his legende des siecles and dieu searching for the form that god takes in the orient, and comparing him to his own god conceived in all his works. Here he relied on the bible and the quran(in kasimirski's translation). Examining quranic extracts, one can notice his preoccupation with those aspects which indicate the greatness of god. Hugo's goal seems to have been the bringing together of all believers under one umbrella which is that of god the creator.
Abstract FR:
Hugo a songe a "l'orient profond". Derriere la civilisation hugo a cherche le livre. Sa lecture du "koran" repondait a une exigence de verite ; aux mondes lointains, quelle forme etrange y revet l'etre universel ? les versets coraniques qui ont retenu son attention repondent a sa pensee ; ceux relevent la toute-puissance divine. La notion de dieu a laquelle aboutissent la plupart de ses themes fait la cohesion et l'unite de son oeuvre. Ayant la conviction que les croyances monotheistes se rejoignent en un seul dieu, celui des ecritures saintes, hugo etait sensible aux jugements favorables qui preparaient une alliance de tous les croyants.