Le dialogue des cultures orientale et occidentale dans quatre romans arabes contemporains
Montpellier 3Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
The authors t. Al-hakim, y. Haqqi, s. Idriss and t. Salih attach a primordial importance to the human relationships experienced by some arabs in the west. It is be noticed that their novels : the bird of the east, the oil lamp of umm hashim, the quartier latin and season of migration to the north are the result of the confrontation between two histories and of the misunderstanding between two cultures which have become acquainted. This literature, which is born of a conflicting relation dictated from outside and characterized by internal confrontations has been confronted with a "problematique" with two essential focuses : a threatened authenticity and a modernity which is to be assimilated. Each one of these writers tries to find an answer to find an answer to that "problematique". The analysis of those stories leads us to observe that not only did the dialogue fail but that the relations between the two worlds can only the conflicting ones. However, we must notice that in spite of the failure symbolized by the breaking and the drama between the characters, the stories imply that the opening of the arab world to the whole world, including the west, is an historical necessity, that the achivements of the rest of the world is impossible and that the synthesis between historical authenticity and modernity remains an emergency imposed by history as well as by geography.
Abstract FR:
Les ecrivains t. Al-hakim, s. Idriss et t. Salih accordent une importance primodiale aux relations vecues par les arabes en occident. On remarque que leurs recits : l'oiseau d'orient, la lampe a huile d'umm hashim, le quartier latin et la saison de la migration vers le nord resultent de deux histoires qui se sont affrontees et combattues et de deux cultures qui se sont connues et meconnues. Cette litterature, issue d'une relation conflictuelle imposee de l'exterieur et caracterisee par des confrontations internes, s'est trouvee face a une problematique comportant deux poles essentiels : une authenticite menacee et une modernite assimiler. C'est a cette problematique que chacun de ces auteurs tente d'apporter une reponse. L'analyse de ces recits nous amene a constater que non seulement le dialogue a echoue, mais que les rapports entre les deux mondes ne peuvent etre que conflictuels. Cependant, il faut remarquer que, malgre l'echec symbolise par la rupture et le drame entre les personnages, les recits sous-entendent que l'ouverture du monde arabe a l'ensemble du monde, y compris l'occident, est une necessite historique, que l'impermeabilite aux realisations d'autrui est impossible et que la synthese entre authenticite historique et modernite demeure une urgence imposee par l'histoire ainsi que par la geographie.