
Corpus cesarien, bellum hispaniense, introduction, traduction, commentaire

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1997







Abstract EN:

Edition of the bellum hispaniense, founded on seven manuscripts, with introduction, translation and commentary. The unknown author of this last text of the caesarian corpus was probably an officer who took part in the spanish war in 46-45 b. C. , and was not uneducated, though his style is often clumsy. The bellum hispaniense relates caesar's last campaing, against cneius and sextus pompey, in baetica, where the romanization and the many clients of the two parties made the struggle very hard. It ended on march 17 th of 45 b. B. By saesar's victory at munda, which was probably situated in the neighbourhood of osuna, and not at montilla, as it is often believed.

Abstract FR:

Edition du bellum hispaniense, avec introduction, traduction, apparat critique prenant en compte 7 manuscrits, et commentaire. L'auteur anonyme de ce dernier texte du corpus cesarien etait probablement un officier qui participa a la guerre d'espagne de 46-45 av. J. -c. , et possedait une certaine culture, malgre la maladresse de son style. Le bellum hispaniense relate la derniere campagne de cesar, contre cneius et sextus pompee, en betique, ou la romanisation de la population et l'importance de la clientele des belligerants donnerent une ampleur particuliere au conflit. Elle se conclut, le 17 mars 45 av. J. -c. , par la victoire de cesar a munda, situee probablement dans les environs d'osuna, et non a montilla, comme on l'a cru longtemps.