
Narcisse a walden : la production de l'image de soi dans l'oeuvre de henry d. thoreau

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1987



Lyon 2




Abstract EN:

This study deals with the production of the self-image in the years 1845-54: thoreau created the idealized character of the narrator in walden with whom he restored his narcissism which had been wounded by his failure to join society normally. During his retreat to walden pond, he endeavored to work out a solution to his identity crisis: he imagined an ascetic way of life in conformity with his aspirations, which gave him the opportunity to live in the midst of nature, but also to spare time for literature. Through the report of his experiment, he conceived an exemplary persona which enabled him to speak about himself and to venture before readers. The outlook offered by the analysis of the narcissistic crisis allows to better understand the meaning of the idealization to which he subjected the solitary indian: thoreau identified himself with this imaginary model sustained by the ideology of primitive innocence, which confirmed him in his resistance to society. It also explains his avoidance of measured time and his organization of a confined vital space. Walden pond constituted a transitional refuge, suited to lessen the constraints of reality and to devise the illusory reconciliation of the oppositions which divided his world. Thoreauvian creation is marked by a strong interest in space: topography serves as a screen on to which the narrator projects himself, and sends back a unified self-image. Thoreau represented himself as an autonomous, self-engendered character, as a wise man who succeeded in mastering his inner violence, in purifying himself of his unacceptable drives and in eliminating all that is not consistent with his project, while writing, intended to elaborate a new language, is open to the unknown, the unthinkable which cannot be reduced to the idealizing design; it participates in the quest for identity and adds to the self-image. The realization of the decisive role played by narcissism in thoreau's work should help transcend the reactions of rejection or fascination caused by his haughty and aggressive persona, but above all, it should incite the reader to listen to the poetic qualities of the text.

Abstract FR:

Cette etude traite de la production de l'image de soi entre 1845 et 1854: thoreau cree le personnage idealise du narrateur de walden grace auquel il restaure son narcissisme, blesse de n'avoir reussi a s'inserer normalement dans la societe. Lors de la retraite a walden pond, il s'efforce de trouver une solution a sa crise d'identite: il imagine un mode de vie ascetique, conforme a ses aspirations, qui lui laisse le temps de vivre dans la nature, mais aussi de se consacrer a la litterature. A travers le compte-rendu de son experience, il concoit un masque exemplaire qui lui permet de parler de lui-meme et de soutenir le regard d'autrui. La perspective ouverte par l'analyse de la crise narcissique permet de mieux comprendre le sens de l'idealisation a laquelle il soumet l'indien solitaire: thoreau s'identifie a ce modele imaginaire qui, nourri par l'ideologie de l'innocence primitive, le confirme dans sa resistance a la societe. Elle explique aussi l'evitement du temps mesure et l'amenagement d'un espace vital restreint. Walden pond constitue un refuge intermediaire, propre a attenuer les contraintes de la realite et a reconcilier illusoirement les oppositions qui divisent son monde. La creation thoreauvienne est fortement marquee par l'investissement de l'espace: la topographie sert d'ecran de projection au narrateur et lui renvoie une image unifiee de lui-meme. Thoreau se presente sous les traits d'un personnage autonome, auto-engendre, d'un sage qui a su maitriser sa violence interieure, se purifier des pulsions jugees inacceptables, et eliminer tout ce qui n'entre pas dans son projet, alors que l'ecriture, destinee a elaborer un langage nouveau, s'ouvre sur l'inconnu, l'impensable qui ne peut etre reduit a la visee idealisante; elle participe a la quete d'identite et enrichit l'image de soi. La perception du role determinant du narcissisme dans l'oeuvre de thoreau devrait aider a depasser les reactions de rejet ou de fascination provoquees par son personnage hautain et agressif, mais surtout inciter le lecteur a se mettre a l'ecoute des qualites poetiques du texte.