Le muralisme chicano aux etats-unis : san francisco, los angeles, san diego (1968-1988)
Paris 3Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
Chicano mural painting in the united states was born within cesar chavez movement and the farmworkers movement. The banners of the virgin de guadalupe and the aztec eagle as well as graphic illustration in el malcriado are the signs that foretell the mural movement. On a socio-philosophical and esthetic levels, chicano murals emerged from a cultural nothingness both on the point of view of lack of education for some painters as well as the exclusion of chicano artists from the artistic scenne. That is why they created cultural centers and built up a non-occidental conception of art. In the three cities we studied, chicano murals were very different. In los angeles, chicano murals emerged from graffiti and was initiated in poor housing projects by charles felix. Afterwards, from militant chicano muralism became environmental. In san francisco, chicano muralism was born from unemployment and had a multi-ethnic charcter. In san diego, muralism was born from urban renewal and from the buildin of chicano park to. Struggle against the building of coronado bridge. So, in fact, we have three chicano mural movements. Indigenism is a recurrent theme in the three cities and is linked to the plan espiritua of aztlan.
Abstract FR:
Le muralisme chicano, a la difference du mouvement muraliste mexicain des annees 1920, est ne de la lutte de cesar chavez. C'est au sein de la lutte de chavez et de son syndicat qu'apparaissent les signes avant-coureurs du muralisme chicano: la banniere de la vierge de guadalupe, l'aigle noir sur fond blanc et l'illustration graphique du journal el malcriado. Sur le plan socio-philosophique, le muralisme chicano a emerge du vide culturel: vide dans la formation des peintres ou exclusion des musees pour les artistes chicanos. Afin de pallier ces problemes, ils ont cree des centres culturels et alabore une conception de l'art non-occidentale. Dans les trois villes etudiees, le muralisme a ete tres different. A los angeles, le muralisme est ne des graffiti et a ete initie dans des cites tres pauvres par charles felix. Par la suite, de militant, le muralisme chicano est devenu environnemental. A san francisco, le muralisme chicano est ne du chomage et a pris un caractere multi-ethnique. A san diego, le muralisme est ne de la renovation urbaine et de la construction de "chicano park" pour lutter contre la construction du pont coronado. Nous avons trois mouvements muralistes chicanos. L'indigenisme est un thele recurrent dans les trois villes et est lie au plan espiritual de aztlan.