
L'apocalypse et son theatre dans "gravity's rainbow" de thomas pynchon

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1996



Lille 3




Abstract EN:

"gravity's rainbow" is the theater of an end of the imminent world and which has already placed on this surface which is called "reality" or "history". Theatralized, this end is a becoming. Concerning the characters that the reader, the quality of the sense, or even of a coherence, should take the experience of one; prevail in becoming, never unaccepted and that would dive the subject in the becoming of his own disappointment. The sentence himself is entitled to its own destruction and gives a new destination to a new beginning that may be only the recommendation of his own end or the impossibility of sense. This is | an apocalypse as meaning that beyond the destruction of the world and the exclusion of the fictional framework is unveiled theatrality of the world and histoy. This devoyment has another way to read, but also see the world, and has regeneration through multiplicity. The work as an object of interpretation was disappeared in the experience of its reading, destabilizing the reader and its need of coherence. The question seems to extend beyond the book.

Abstract FR:

"gravity's rainbow" est le theatre d'une fin du monde imminente et qui a pour-tant deja eu lieu sous cette surface que l'on appelle "realite" ou "histoire". Theatralisee, cette fin est un devenir. Concernant autant les personnages que le lecteur, la quete du sens, ou meme d'une coherence, devieirt l'experience d'une ; prrance en devenir, a jamais inachevee et qui plongerait le sujet dans le devenir de sa propre. Disparition. Le recit lui-meme se nourrit de sa propre destruction et donne lieu a une nouvelle destination, a un nouveau commencement qui ne peut etre que le recommencement de sa propre fin ou de l'impossibilite du sens. C'est | une apocalypse en ce sens que, par-dela la destruction du monde et l'eclatement du cadre fictionnel, est devoilee la theatralite du monde et de l'histoite. Ce devoilement mene a une autre facon de lire, mais aussi de voir le monde, et a sa regeneration par la multiplicite. L'oeuvre en tant qu'objet d'interpretation disparait dans l'experience de sa lecture, destabilisant le lecteur et son besoin de coherence. La quete semble se prolonger au-dela du livre.