La mobilite sociale aux etats-unis dans les annees 1980
Paris 8Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
In this dissertation, two kinds of social mobility will be distinguished. A global one, which has been inherent in man from his first days on earth, as well as an individual one which appeared much later in europe, in particular with the reformation. This latter mobility which is the foundation and justification of the united states, is more alive in the new world than in europe. Global or individual mobility is usually and naturally thought of, as being linked to progress, that is to promotion, although it may sometimes correspond to some regression. Various factors can modify it, such as trade unionism, education, taxation, which function to regulate it. Their actions differ according to the different policies of democratic governments. Belonging to a definite ethnic group, which is very close to the reference, the wasp one, or more or less distant from it, cannot but modify social mobility. Finally, if specific economic factors of a definite period are beneficial to some people, they impoverish others. The present recession inevitably modifies social promotion among the different groups and social classes. The american middle class is for the most part threatened by social regression. This middle class has always been the symbol of democracy and the mainstay of the united states.
Abstract FR:
Dans cette etude, on distinguera deux sortes de mobilite sociale, une mobilite globale, inherente a l'homme des l'origine, ainsi qu'une mobilite individuelle qui s'est revelee tres tardivement, notamment avec la reforme en europe. Cette derniere mobilite, fondement et justification des etats-unis est plus presente dans la societe americaine que sur le vieux continent. La mobilite globale ou individuelle se concoit naturellement, surtout dans une acception liee au progres, c'est-a-dire en tant que promotion bien qu'elle existe dans un aspect regressif. Divers facteurs sont susceptibles de la modifier, tels le syndicat, l'ecole, l'impot, qui sont des moyens de regulation automatique dont l'action varie selon la volonte politique des gouvernements a institutions democratiques. L'appartenance a un groupe ethnique plus ou moins proche du modele de reference propre aux etats-unis, le modele wasp modifie a son tour la mobilite. Enfin, les facteurs economiques, de la periode consideree sont benefiques a certains, mais sont aussi la cause d'une pauperisation pour d'autres. La classe moyenne est menacee, par consequent la notion de mobilite sociale aussi. La democratie sur laquelle reposent les etats-unis pourrait etre en partie remise en question.