
Politique et religion aux etats-unis : le cas de la moral majority

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1991






Abstract EN:

The moral majority was set up in 1979 and disbanded in 1989 by jerry falwell, the renowned televangelist and thomas road baptist church pastor. The appearance of this religiously inspired political group reflects the existence of a long-standing interaction between fundamentalism and conservatism. One of the watershes in the 1980s, the moral majority is a sign of the emergence of the fundamentalists as a political force, as they voted massively for ronald reagan. Believing that america is in the midst of a serious moral crisis, this group seeks to reestablish the traditional "christian" values. In truth, it is a marginal movement stemming from the fundamentalist minority's fear of and reaction to modernity. The major tenets of its ideology are rooted in pre-millenarism. Moreover, it is reminiscent of the previous awakenings. Its program betrays its lack of initiative, and its strategy is deceitful. This movement is known for its skillful use of tele-communication and computer technology, with the aim of fostering conservative ideology. The moral majority is the major component of the "new religious-political right" which was founded by some ultraright activists. Jerry falwell and a few other televangelists were recruited and trained in order to mobilize the fundamentalists in favor of right-wing candidates. Both historical and ideological ties link the moral majority to the american ultraright.

Abstract FR:

Fondee en 1979 par jerry falwell, celebre televangeliste et pasteur de l'eglise baptiste de thomas road a lynchburg en virginie, la moral majority est dissoute en 1989. L'emergence de ce groupe politico-religieux cristallise l'alliance du fondamentalisme et du conservatisme qui a scande l'histoire americaine. Phenomene marquant des annees 80, la moral majority annonce le retour en force des fondamentalistes sur la scene politique, en participant activement a l'election de ronald reagan. Elle a pour objectif la rechristianisation de la societe americaine, jugee victime d'un profond malaise moral genere par la "contre-culture". Au fond, il s'agit d'un courant marginal ayant ses origines dans la peur et la reaction defensive d'une minorite fondamentaliste qui se sent menacee par la modernite. Les fondements de son ideologie relevent du fondamentalisme pre-millenariste. En plus, elle s'apparente aux reveils des siecles derniers. Son programme temoigne de son manque d'initiative constructive et sa strategie est souvent douteuse et malhonnete. Elle se singularise par son usage habile de la radio, de la television, du telephone et de l'ordinateur qui servent de supports de propagande aux idees conservatrices. La moral majority est la principale composante de la nouvelle droite religieuse et politique, mise en place par des activistes ultraconservateurs. Jerry falwell et les autres predicateurs fondamentalistes ont ete recrutes et inities a la politique, afin de mobiliser les fondamentalistes en faveur des candidats de la droite conservatrice. Enfin, des liens historiques et ideologiques existent entre la moral majority et l'extreme-droite americaine.