
Les reseaux de publications marginales dans la region de san francisco a l'epoque contemporaine

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1996



Paris 7




Abstract EN:

This study seeks to establish whether marginal media can exist in the age of mass communications. The subjects of this study are "fanzines" or "zines", i. E. Highly personalised amateur publications. The historical roots of the phenomenom, the american tradition of written dissidence, are studied in chapter i. Chapter ii deals with the conditions in the field at the time of the study, that is to say the sociological specificity of the san francisco bay area, and chapter iii with the technical conditions of production. The processes, both thematic (chapter iv), and discursive and aesthetic (chapter v), by which these publications construct the identity of those who write them and of those who read them are analysed. Finally, the "zine world", its value system, its networking capabilities, its internal conflicts and questionings are examined in chapter vi. The conclusion reached is that "zines" constitute a form of resistance to mass culture : a nostalgic, ephemeral and paradoxical reaction to, and protest against, electronic hegemonic capitalism.

Abstract FR:

L'objet de cette etude est de determiner si l'existence de medias marginaux est possible a l'heure de la communication de masse. Les sujets de l'etude sont les "fanzines" ou "zines" (publications d'amateurs hautement personnalises). On etudie les racines historiques du phenomene, la tradition de dissidence ecrite aux etats-unis (chap. I); les conditions sur le terrain au moment de l'enquete, c'est-a-dire la specificite de la region de san francisco (chap. Ii); les conditions techniques de production (chap. Iii). On analyse les procedes de production identitaire thematiques (chap. Iv), esthetiques et discursifs (chap. V) de ceux qui ecrivent et lisent ces publications. Enfin, on s'interesse au monde des "zines", a ses methodes d'attribution de la valeur, au fonctionnement de son reseau, a ses luttes internes et a ses remises en cause (chap. Vi). On conclut que les "zines" constituent une forme de resistance a la culture de masse : des reactions et des protestations nostalgiques, paradoxales et ephemeres, face a l'electronique hegemonique.