Topologie d'un espace solitaire dans l'oeuvre jointe d'edward hopper ou l'annonciation d'amerique
Lyon 2Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
Edward hopper followed his fathers, then left america to learn what art was really all about, that is to say, about the places of one's heart. As every american knows, love plus the essence of art are where one is not. Hopper made pictures of an undless quest for a holy grail : america. His fathers were homer and eakins. He worked all through his long life to make us see that america as such is nowhere, ametatopia for the centuries to come, a land of good hope and nightmares. Hopper painted an angel, a puritan annunciation - a contradiction in terms as regards the protestant creed which rejects the dogma of a virgin having a fatherless child. America has a father but he is lost and found on the road. Hopper painted the absolute loneliness of an american child longing for a dead father (a real maverick) so far that his oeuvre is the quintessence of our century, a century of blood, sweat and tears, to quote somebody famous.
Abstract FR:
Edward hopper a suivi ses pere ou pairs un temps court puis rejoint la capitale de l'art, paris. Il se fabrique la une amerique de solitude, fuite et couleurs paradisiaques. A son retour, il chasse l'amerique, une traque metatopique dont les mots cles sont ecran, nullepart, desastre (d'autres s'enchainent aussi) hantent le chevalet. Un fantome hante l'amerique : l'absence, celle d'un passe sans passe et l'europe castratrice. Hopper fait tabula rasa. Il annonce le rien du desastre de notre siecle barbare. Son oeuvre est la quintessence de notre siecle.