
Carson mc cullers ou la symphonie impossible

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1991






Abstract EN:

This study is concerned with the work of carson mc cullers, a writer of the south of the united states, and more specifically with her novels published between 1940 and 1961. Carson mc cullers became famous at the age of twenty-three. Her writings, which are both painful and provocative, continue to raise questions that remain unanswered. The textual analysis of carson mc cullers' novels brings to light the major signifiers which constitute the symbolic structure of her imaginative creation. Deciphering these signifiers leads us to the dialectic of desire and alienation which underlies her writing. Such a reading disclose the immutable conflict between the singular desire of the individual and the imperative demands of symbolic law. The act of writing and the work produced are both part of a process whose aim is to shed light on the absurdity of existence and to define the indefinable in "the real". Thereby, the writer escapes from the narcissistic regression that places on obstacle in the way of progress and truth.

Abstract FR:

Cette etude porte sur carson mc cullers, ecrivain du sud des etatsunis, et sur son oeuvre romanesque qui fut publiee entre 1940 et 1961. Carson mc cullers acceda au succes et a la celebrite a l'age de vingt-trois ans. Ses ecrits, a la fois douloureux et provoquants, continuent a soulever des interrogations. L'analyse du texte de carson mc cullers permet de mettre a jour les signifiants majeurs qui constituent la structure symbolique de son oeuvre. Le dechiffrage du signifiant nous fait acceder a la dialectique du desir et de l'alienation qui soutend l'univers imaginaire de l'ecrivain. Cette lecture laisse apparaitre le clivage immuable qui existe entre le desir singulier d'un sujet et les exigences de la loi symbolique. L'acte d'ecriture et l'oeuvre que carson mc cullers a produite s'inscrivent dans un mouvement qui vise a eclairer le non-sens existentiel, a nommer l'indicible du reel. Ce faisant, l'ecrivain echappe a la regression narcissique qui fait obstacle au progres et a la verite.