
La genese d'un poete : sylvia plath

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1990




Abstract EN:

Sylvia plath is an american poet who was born in boston, massachusetts in 1932, and died in london in 1963. This is a study of the elements that have been et the source of her poetry and have contributed to its development. This work attempts to show how her relations to two strong figures, her father and mother, have influenced her life and poetry, through an analysis of the themes and images.

Abstract FR:

Sylvia plath est un poete americain, nee a boston, massachusetts, en 1932, et morte a londres, grande bretagne en 1963. Les elements qui sont a la source de sa poesie et qui ont contribue a son developpement font l'objet de cette etude. A partir de l'analyse des images et des themes de son oeuvre, ce travail tente de montrer comment les relations du poete avec deux figures marquantes, son pere et sa mere, ont influence sa vie et sa poesie.