
L'effet des corrections sur "etendards dans la poussiere" de william faulkner

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1987





Abstract EN:

Flags in the dust, william faulkner's third novel, was edited, significantly reduced, and published as sartoris in 1929. 1973 saw the posthumous publication of flags, and 1974 the only academic work so far comparing the truncated typescript with the original at the university of texas at austin by melvin reed roberts. In an effort to continue roberts'work. The effect of editing on "flags in the dust" by william faulkner includes elements besides characters as its objects of scrutiny. Seeking to avoid the limitations of a single critical discipline, the dissertation has drawn upon several theories. This flexible response to exigent critical theories hopes to furnish a precedent for comparative manuscript studies , literary or other- wise. A preface of thirty-four pages summarizes faulkner criticism relevant to flags upto 1986. Chapter one, encouraged by elizabeth drew and carvell c. Collins' earlier work on mandalas, describes the circular plot structure of flags as mandalic. Chapter two details pertinent facets of the editing. The plot structure and editing described, chapters three, four and five confront the editing and plot structure, the editing and the transitions, and openings and endings, respectively. The editing and the imagery, the editing and the themes, and the editing and the characters successively constitute chapters six, seven and eight. The circumife rentiality of flags finds its expression enfeebled in sartoris, with awkward transitions between chapters. Constants of faulknerian technique and style are obscured by the editing, and a strong keatsian presence constrained with the over-all symbolic effect eroded. Portions pertinent to the reading of themes and characters are deleted or added to. The proxi- mity of sartoris to faulknerian intention becomes dubious. Indeed, the conclusion challenges the very need for the change of title.

Abstract FR:

Flags in the dust, troisieme roman de william faulkner, a ete revise, considerablement reduit et publie sous le titre de sartoris en 1929. 1973 vit la publication posthume du roman original, et 1974 la seule comparaison universitaire a ce jour du dactylogramme tronquee a l'original: le travail universitaire de melvin reed roberts (austin, texas). A la suite de roberts, the effect of editing on "flags in the dust by william faulkner elargit son etude a d'autres elements que les personnages. Soucieuse d'eviter les limites d'une discipline critique unique, cette communication developpe plusieurs theories; elle espere ainsi fournir une contribution aux etudes comparatives de manuscrits. Une preface de trente quatre pages resume la critique concernant flags jusqu'en 1986. Le chapitre un, s'appuyant sur les travaux d'elizabeth drew et de carvell c. Collins sur les mandalas et faulkner, demontre la structure circulaire de flags comme mandalique. Le chapitre deux detaille les modalites de la revision. Puis les chapitres trois, quatre et cinq confrontent respectivement la revision a la structure, a l'intrigue, aux transitions, ainsi qu'aux ouvertures et aux fins. La revision et la rhetorique, la revision et les themes, la revision et les personnages constituent les chapitres six, sept et huit. La composition circulaire de flags s'affaiblit dans sartoris avec les transitions maladroits entre les chapitres. La revision imposee a obscurci les constantes de la technique et du style faulkneriens, diminue la presence keatsienne et l'effet symbolique global. Des fragments importants pour l'intelligibilite des themes et des personnages ont disparu, d'autres ont ete ajoutes. Ainsi, sartoris se revelerait peu fidele a l'intention de faulkner. La conclusion conteste egalement l'utilite de modifier le titre en suppremant l'opposition, et l'application de criteres extra-artistic a une oeuvre d'art.