Une idee du "mondo", revue florentine d'alessandro bonsanti, (avril 1945-octobre 1946)
Université Stendhal (Grenoble)Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
This study consists of an analytical presentation of the review "il mondo" of alessandro bonsanti, the first edition of which was published in florence in april 1945 and which had a life-span of 18 months, disappearing from circulation in october 1946. The eclecticism of this twice-monthly review is evident through the variety and number of cultural interests it covered (cinema, art, literature, economy, science, politics. . . ) and thanks to the presentation of which it has been possible to have a rather objective insight into the culture and history of post-war italy. One of the most important moments of her history : the across-the-board reconstruction in every sector, the desire to eliminate all trace of facism, the abolition of the monarchy, the coming of the republic and the first steps into constitutional life. "il mondo" slots into the group of cultural "reviews" which served as active and attentive witness to life in italy at the end of the second world war. It can even be safely suggested that "il mondo" actually emulated the review "solaria" which was its direct predecessor. Its short-lived existence is essentially due to the defeat of the "partito d'azione" and to the fact that from a cultural point of view florence remained unshakably provincial in its attitudes.
Abstract FR:
Cette etude consiste en une presentation analytique de la revue "il mondo" d'alessandro bonsanti, qui vit le jour a florence en avril 1945 et dura jusqu'en octobre 1946. L'eclectisme de cette revue bimensuelle est visible a travers ses differentes rubriques d'interets multiples (cinema, art, litterature, economie, sciences, politique, etc. ) et grace a la presentation desquelles il a ete possible d'avoir un apercu assez objectif de la culture et de l'histoire de l'italie d'apres-guerre, aux prises avec l'un des moments les plus importants de son histoire : la reconstruction dans tous les domaines, la volonte d'eliminer les traces du fascisme, l'abolition de la monarchie, l'avenement de la republique et les premiers pas de vie constitutionnelle. "il mondo" s'insere dans ce groupe de "revues" culturelles, qui furent les temoins actifs et attentifs de l'italie au terme du second conflit mondial. On peut meme avancer l'hypothese que "il mondo" est un emule direct de la precedente "solaria". Sa vie ephemere est essentiellement due a la defaite du "parti d'azione" et a l'exces de "provincialisme" florentin.