
De la felure a la fracture. Etudes sur la culture et la litterature italiennes

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1990



Paris 3



Abstract EN:

Based upon three major fields of research (cultural sociology, contemporary prose and poetry) these studies resort to the concepts of fissure and disrupture as critical tools which are likely to shed a new light upon 20th century culture. This may concern examples of social fissures (the crisis of the rural world, of the church of florence, of such priviliged cities as tieste), of literary disruption (numerous emotional gaps in pavese's writings, but also in lampedusa's, landolfi's ortese's, morante's, bonaviri's, calvino's and buzzati's) or poetical fissures (in saba, but also in della casa, montale, caproni, basolini, and above all in luzi); all these examples enable us to bring together the various components of a culture which introjected the ideas of weakness, restlessness, mobility. We thus come across two antithetic poles: umberto eco who endeavours to deny castration (another type of disruption so to speak), by filling in the gap inherent in the tight network of multiple signs reflecting one another, and on the other hand mario luzi who starting from the radical disruption of the modern world and of today's individual, all this leads to the utopia of a new notion of wholeness: all the various significations of modernity torn by torment.

Abstract FR:

De la felure a la fracture. Etudes sur la culture et la litterature italiennes. Articulees autour de trois axes de recherche (sociologie culturelle, prose et poesie contemporaines) ces etudes utilisent les concepts de felure et de fracture comme instruments critiques aptes a eclairer d'une lumiere nouvelle la culture du 20e siecle. Qu'il s'agisse de fractures sociales (la crise du monde paysan, de l'eglise de florence, de villes privilegiees comme trieste etc. . . ) de fractures litteraires (failles multiples chez pavese, sciascia mais aussi lampedusa, landolfi, ortese, morante, bonaviri, calvino, buzzati) ou poetiques (les felures de saba mais aussi de della casa, montale, caproni, pasolini et surtout de luzi) on peut reconstituer la carte d'une culture qui a introjecte les notions de fragilite, d'instabilite, de mobilite. A ce sujet deux poles antithetiques: umberto eco qui essaie de nier la castration (cette autre fracture) en comblant la beance du sujet par le reseau serre de signes multiples renvoyant l'un a l'autre et mario luzi qui, parti de la fragmentation radicale du monde et de l'homme modernes, aboutit a l'utopie d'une totalite nouvelle. Entre les deux, toutes les nuances de notre modernite tourmentee.