Il libro dell'arte de cennino cennini. Traduction, commentaire et notes
Paris 3Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
In the preface, the following points are developed : 1) the necessity of a new translation into french. 2) the instruments of this work and the method used the reading of ancient treatises and, of modern technical books, the help from various contributors, the confrontation of the three manuscripts and of the editions, the choices of the translation, in relation to the manuscripts, to the readers and to the language and the style of cennini) 3- the interest of the book for the history of fine arts. Then comes the critical translation (404 pages), with copious notes, in which the variants of the manuscripts are mentioned and the different interpretations; the most interesting commentaries of the english and italian editions are summed up or translated. The appendixes (37 pages) present : - a plan of the book - the cennini's biography and the vasari's text in relation with it and the attributions to cennini. - the bibliography - the study of a few difficult words - a board of the measures used by cennini - a general table of contents and a table of the illustrations (about 90)
Abstract FR:
Dans la preface (37 pages) sont developpes les points suivants: 1) la necessite d'une nouvelle traduction francaise 2) les instruments de travail et la methode suivie (la lecture des traites anciens et d'ouvrages techniques actuels, l'appel a diverses collaborations, la confrontation des trois manuscrits et des editions, les choix et les parti-pris de traduction, par rapport aux manuscrits, au public, a la langue de cennini); 3) l'interet du livre, sur le plan de l'histoire de l'art. Suit la traduction critique (404 pages) amplement annotee: y sont precisees - les variantes des manuscrits, - les diverses interpretations possibles - les commentaires les plus interessants des editions anglaises et italiennes y sont resumes ou traduits. Les appendices (37 pages) offrent: - un plan du livre - la biographie de cennini et les attributions faites au peintre - la bibliographie - l'etude de quelques mots difficiles - un tableau des mesures - une table des matieres generale et celle des illustrations (74 hors-texte). . .