L'historien Mohamed Al-Moktar Soussi
Montpellier 3Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
This research deals with the case of mohamed al mokhtar soussi, traditional muslim scholar sufi, and thedogian, who was open to modern culture. Native of the souss region, he lived in the first half of the twentieth century et atime when colonization was the source of grave avants that threntened morocco's historical identity. This period of hystory left him with acrisis and motivated him to find a solution through the cultural heritage and by writing down history. The thuys leaver his role as theologian to become a historian fighting resignation and mutability. He left behind him on enormous body of historical writings that foreground the bright past of his homeland and country alike. His work is characteristically traditional with modernit traits. He remains faithful te the muslim tradition in recording history. As far as method and objectives are concerned, he has fresh insights awing to his open attitude towards the positive achievements of his ago. He is still a pioneera relying on both traditional and modern elements. In the end, it should be borne in mind that his works constitue a valuable reference for contemporary moroccan historiography and for any researcher interested in the souss area.
Abstract FR:
Notre recherche expose le cas de mohamed al mokhtar soussi savant musulman traditionnel, soufi et faqih, mais ouvert a la culture moderne. Natif du souss, il vecut pendant la premiere moitie du vingtieme siecle, periode de la colonisation durant laquelle de graves evenements mettant en question l'identite historique du maroc eurent lieu. Ce tournant de l'histoire lui fit traverser une periode de desarroi et le motiva pour lui trouver un remede en ayant recours au patrimoine et a l'ecriture de l'histoire. Ainsi se mua-t-il de faqih en historien refusant la soumission et la mort, et luttant contre la fuite du temps. Il laissa une oeuvre historique gigantesque en guise de preuve de la gloire passee et de la civilisation de sa region natale et de son pays en general. Cette oeuvre est en gros traditionnelle avec, neanmoins, certains aspects modernes. Pour ce qui est du genre historique, il resta fidele au courant traditionnel musulman, mais au niveau de la matiere et des objectifs vises, il innova grace a son ouverture sur son epoque. Ce qui en fit un pionnier a mi-chemin entre les deux ecoles, la traditionnelle et la moderne. Enfin, il est a signaler que son oeuvre constitue aujourd'hui une bibliotheque precieuse et une source de reference pour l'historiographie marocaine actuelle et pour tout chercheur s'interessant a la region du souss.