Histoire politique de l'immigration algérienne en France (1922-1962)
Paris 12Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
The object of our study in the political history of algerian immigration in france from 1922 to 1962. The obscure, and often tragic, history of algerians in france unfolds from 1922 with le paria (the pariah), the first newspaper with articles by algerian political activists demanding more justice and equality for the colonies, to 1962 with the independence of algeria after a seven year war. For forty years, great multitudes of people trekked from one mediterranean port to another, forty years of continuous wande ring with times of crisis, and of respite, and with family migrations, forty years too, of political and social struggle in france. Why does algerian immigration, which arrived in france at the same time as polish or spanish immigration, stille raise questions. Give rise to polemics, and create problems in every field of french politics today ? is there some mystery of emigma to the "retardation" of integration ? our doctoral dissertation in contempory history is an attempt to answer these questions.
Abstract FR:
Ce travail se propose d'etudier l'histoire politique de l'immigration algerienne en france, de 1922 a 1962. De la parution du premier journal en 1922, le paria, ou ecrivent des militants algeriens reclamant plus de justice et d'egalite dans les colonies, a l'independance de l'algerie en 1962, au terme de sept annees de guerre, se deroule l'histoire mal connue, et parfois tragique, des algeriens en france. Quarante annees pendant lesquelles des masses d'hommes considerables circulent de part et d'autre de la mediterranee. Quarante annees de deplacements incessants avec ses temps forts et ses cesures, sa migration familiale. Quarante annees, aussi, de luttes politiques et sociales en france. Pourquoi cette immigration algerienne, arrivee en meme temps que les polonais ou les espagnols, continue toujours de susciter reflexions, polemiques et problemes dans le champ politique francais actuel ? enigme, mystere, que ce "retard" d'integation? cette these d'etat en histoire contemporaine s'efforce de repondre a cette question.