Reggimento e costumi di donna de francesco da barberino : recherches
Paris 4Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
This doctorate thesis, entitled "research on reggimento e costumi di donna by francesco da barberino", presents the case for finding consistency, not so much between the written work and the activity of a character (as in the first phase of our research presented as a ph. D. ), as between the work and its period. We have endeavoured to show this consistency in its most obvious form, ie the close parallel between the treatise and the circumstances in which it originated and, further, at the more subjacent level of the similarity between the political, legal and philosophical procedures conveyed by the construction of the work. Our interpretation of the forces behind the treatise, which emerge from the twofold discontinuity of content and form, is one of hesitancy. "reggimento e costumi di donna" sets out to be at one and the same time a reflexion of the awareness which produced thomism, as a revalorisation of the human element, and the degeneracy, in terms of individualism, resulting from the initial triumph of homocentrism. This treatise, intended for women, is in itself - according to our demonstration - the epitome of a pre-humanist mediaeval period during which we find at the same time the substitution of an ascending, secular conception of authority ("particularia regimina") for an descending, divine conception ("monarchia") - these theories being represented respectively by the school of commentators and glossators - and a shift from the reassuring systematisation of thomism to the distrusful atomisation of ockhamism. "reggimento e costumi di donna" reflects the specific change of course at the end of the xiiith century, when mediaeval thought, abandoning universalism, turns to particularism.
Abstract FR:
Cette these de doctorat d'etat intitulee "recherches sur le reggimento e costumi di donna de francesco da barberino", fait figure de plaidoyer en faveur de la coherence non plus entre l'ecriture et l'action d'un personnage (ce fut le premier temps de notre recherche presentee sous forme de doctorat de 3eme cycle), mais entre l'oeuvre et son temps. Coherence que nous nous sommes efforcee de demontrer au niveau le plus apparent de la concordance entre le traite et le cadre qui l'a vu naitre, puis au niveau plus souterrain de la similitude des demarches politique, juridique et philosophique dont fait preuve la construction du traite. L'interpretation que nous donnons de la dynamique de l'oeuvre, resultant d'une double discontinuite de fond et de forme, est celle d'un temoignage d'hesitation. Le reggimento e costumi di donna se veut a la fois l'echo de la prise de conscience qui a produit le thomisme, en tant que revalorisation de l'humain, et de la degenerescence consecutive, en termes d'individualisme, de l'homocentrisme primitivement triomphant. Ce traite a l'usage des femmes, est a lui seul, tel est le sens de notre demonstration, le resume d'un moyen age pre-humaniste qui voit parallelement la substitution d'une conception ascendante, laique, du pouvoir ("particularia regimina") a une conception descendante, divine ("monarchia") respectivement theorisees par l'ecole des commentateurs et des glossateurs, et le glissement de la systematisation thomiste, securisante, a l'atomisation defiante de l'ockhamisme. Le reggimento e costumi di donna rend l'echo du changement de cap specifique de la fin du xiiie siecle: d'universaliste, la pensee medievale devient particulariste.