La lente naissance d'une profession : les animateurs de 1944 à 1988
Bordeaux 3Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
Socio-cultural animators, who for the most part, work in the field of social work have created, in the second half of the 20th century, a new profession which is gradually becoming a part of french society. This is a thesis on the history of how the work of the socio-cultural animator evolved as a profession between 1944 and 1988. Professional recognition of the socio-cultural animator is a slow process, marked by different factors. The first stage is the salary, hence the development, between 1944 and 1964, of an activity considered to be permanent and non-voluntary. The beginning of the acknowledgement of the profession is based on 2 decisions in 1994 : the establishment of public funds for remunerating the animators, the fonjep, and the creation of a new diploma, the decep. From 1964 to 1971, the increase in the number of socio-cultural animators and the formation of many of their own trade unions have made their wish to have professional recognition easier. The 1970s are the years of the claiming of statutory rights during which social activism and union activism are opposed. From 1981 to 1988, whilst the number of local authorities which employed socio-cultural animators increased, progress is made in favour of a convention on socio-cultural animation. In 1988, if some areas for professional recognition have become clearer, others are still vague and uncertain. Three reasons explain this situation : the social area of the animator's work has vague and unstable limits in relation to the sectors to which it is close : culture, education, social issues. On the other hand, professional identity is based on and becomes legitimate through a series of undemanding rights and duties. It does not have a very well organised identity and is poorly supported. Lastly, professional training is organised within the many incomplete, optional courses, as it is still possible to become an animator without having a degree.
Abstract FR:
Les animateurs, qui oeuvrent, pour la plupart, dans le champ du travail social, constituent, dans la deuxieme moitie du xxe siecle, une nouvelle profession qui s'installe progressivement dans la societe francaise. Cette these en histoire s'attache a suivre leur professionnalisation entre 1944 et 1988. Plusieurs periodes marquent les etapes de cette lente professionnalisation. La question de la remuneration des animateurs, et donc d'une activite permanente non benevole emerge entre 1944 et 1964. En 1964, deux decisions fondent le debut d'une professionnalisation : l'institution d'un fonds public d'appui aux animateurs, le fonjep et la creation d'un premier diplome, le decep. De 1964 a 1971, l'accroissement du nombre des animateurs et la constitution de nombreux syndicats qui leur sont propres facilitent l'emergence d'une volonte de reconnaissance professionnelle. La decennie 1970 est une periode de forte revendication statutaire, ou s'opposent le militantisme associatif et le militantisme syndical. De 1981 a 1988, le poids des communes dans l'emploi des animateurs s'amplifie, en meme temps qu'avance la negociation en faveur de la convention de l'animation socioculturelle. En 1988, si certains elements de la professionnalisation des animateurs se sont precises, d'autres restent tronques, incertains. Trois raisons expliquent cette situation : l'espace social d'exercice des activites des animateurs possede des limites floues et mouvantes avec les secteurs desquels il est proche : la culture, l'education, le social. D'autre part, l'identite professionnelle se construit, se legitime a travers un ensemble de droits et de devoirs peu contraignant. C'est une identite peu organisee et faiblement defendue. Enfin, la formation professionnelle s'organise au sein de filieres incompletes, multiples et facultatives, puisqu'il reste possible d'etre animateur sans posseder de diplome.