La Société industrielle de Rouen (1872-1939) : une sociabilité spécifique ?
Lyon 2Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
In 1872, thirty executive officers of cotton print industry from rouen, particularly some chemists of alsacian descent, found an technical association : the industrial society of rouen. This object is progress and brotherliness. The i. S. R. Belong to a system of associations created on the same model in the principal industrial cities in the north of the loire. Imitating the famous industrial society of mulhouse, the oldiest of them (1826), the the association of rouen receive in his ranks the economical middle-class and his executive officers born especially of textile. During the third republic, his role is prominent in the technical development and for the expansion of paternalism. The association must adjust meanwhile his activities to the local particularities and particularly to the routine-minded nature of norman employers. This study look into the evolution of the i. S. R. In the norman society, the characteristics of his recruitment and the behaviour of his members facing the important economical and social problems between 1872 and 1939. It emphasize the peculiarities of this association compared with the other industrial societies and the associations of rouen.
Abstract FR:
En 1872, trente cadres de l'impression rouennaise, notamment des chimistes d'origine alsacienne, fondent une association technique a rouen : la societe industrielle de rouen dont le but est le progres et la confraternite et qui s'integre dans un reseau d'associations du meme type creees dans les grandes villes du nord de la loire. Inspiree de la societe industrielle de mulhouse (1826), la s. I. R. Accueille dans ses rangs, la bourgeoisie economique locale issue notamment de l'activite textile et ses cadres. Sous la troisieme republique, son role est important dans le developpement technique et l'essor du paternalisme. La societe doit cependant adapter ses activites aux particularites locales et notamment au caractere routinier du patronat normand. Ce travail est consacre a l'evolution de la s. I. R au sein de la societe normande. Il etudie les caracteristiques de son recrutement ainsi que le comportement de ses membres face aux grands problemes economiques, techniques et sociaux entre 1872 et 1939. Il souligne les specificites de l'association notamment par rapport aux autres societes industrielles existantes en france et aux societes savantes rouennaises.