
La cantabrie preromaine (du quatrieme au premier s av j-c)

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1996



Paris, EPHE



Abstract EN:

Celtes rapportables a une structure religieuse indo-europeenne d'un type tripartite this thesis studies for the first time the archeology,society,institutions and religion of the cantabrian people. The mentioned people inhabited the central area of the cantabrian range (northern spain) in preroman times. From a linguistic point of view, the superposition of different indoeuropean strata (pre-celts and celts) has been discovered in the constitution of the cantabrian people. From an archeological point of view it has been proved that the cantabrian group settled in the coastal area belonged to the same culture as the cantabrian living to the south of the cantabrian range. Research on the sources concerning the social organization enables us to decisively dismiss the theory of a matriarcal regimen. Thus, the existence of typical patriarcal features common to the large indoeuropean family has been demostrated on the other hand, the habitat organization in fortified villages shows a relatively complex social hierarchization within this group. As far as institutions are concerned, it has been proved cantabrian practised the celtiberian "hospitium" ant the "clientela" system. Besides, it is throught that cantabrian bellicosity was closely linked to the initiation in male indoeuropean brotherhoods. Finally, the study on religion pointed out the presence of a series of theonimi(pre-celts and celts) related to an indoeuropean religious structure of the triad type.

Abstract FR:

Dans ma these j'ai etudie l'archeologie, la societe, les institutions et la religion des cantabres, qui, a l'epoque preromaine, habitaient dans le secteur central de la cordillere cantabrique (espagne). Linguistiquement, on decele chez les cantabres la superposition de plusieurs couches indo-europeen nes (pre-celtes et celtes). Archeologiquement, je montre que les cantabres du versant cotier appartenaient a la meme culture du douro que les cantabres du sud de la cordillere cantabrique. Ecartant chez les cantabres la theorie d'un hypothetique regime matriarcal, l'etude des diverses sources relatives au systeme social a devoile le caractere patriarcal indo-europeen de la grande famille cantabre. D'autre part, la structure de l'habitat en "castros" nous montre l'existence d'une hierarchisation sociale relativement complexe. Sur les institutions, on a demontre que les cantabres pratiquerent l'hospitium celtiberique et l'organisation en clienteles. La bellicosite cantabre etait liee a l'existence des caracteristiques confreries initiatiques masculines indo-europeennes. L'etude de la religion nous a permis d'etablir qu'il existait une serie de theonymes (pre-celtes et