
L'architecture coloniale hollandaise en Indonésie : les cas de Semarang, Magelang, Pasuruan et quelques grands architectes et bureaux d'architectes

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1988



Paris, EHESS



Abstract EN:

The thesis includes an introduction and two parts. The introduction presents the objective and limitation of the study, the historical background, and describes briefly the nature of traditional architecture as well as that of new art in the west. It takes up succintly the characteristics of cities typically indonesian, representing those of the javanese, as they existed before the colonial period. The first part discusses the geographical, historical and architectural aspects of three (3) javanese cities : semarang, magelang and pasuruan. The colonial buildings of these three cities fall into two categories : 1. Public buildings : train stations, offices, business establishments (markets, movie houses, hotels, etc. ), those devoted to religious worship (churches, mosques, chinese temples, etc. ), post offices, schools, etc. ); 2. Private buildings : villas, residential houses, duplexes, etc. This part makes a typological study based on these criteria : setting, plan, construction, materials used, styles. The second part is a study of four well-known dutch architects and two architectural offices based in java.

Abstract FR:

La these comprend de l'introduction et deux parties. L'introduction presente l'objectif et l'etendue de la these, un apercu historique et une breve description de l'architecture traditionnelle, ainsi qu'une note sur l'art nouveau en occident. Cette introduction decrit brievement aussi des villes typiquement indonesiennes, representant les villes javanaises avant la colonisation. La premiere partie se compose des etudes geographiques, historiques et architecturales de trois villes javanaises : semarang, magelang et pasuruan. Les edifices coloniaux de ces trois villes sont classes en deux categories : 1. Les edifices publics : gares, bureaux, edifices commerciaux (marches, cinemas, hotels, etc. ) et religieux (eglises, mosquees, temples chinois, etc. ), postes, ecoles, etc. ; 2. Les edifices prives : villas, maisons residentielles, maisons jumelees, etc. Cette partie fait une typologie basee sur les criteres architecturaux : site, plan, construction, materiaux, styles. La deuxieme partie etudie quatre grands architectes hollandais et deux bureaux d'architecte a java.