
L'insurrection de Zaâtša en 1849 : résistance et solidarité dans les zîbân

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1998



Aix-Marseille 1




Abstract EN:

In 1849, bouzian, inhabitant in small village of ziban, in occurrence zaatcha, uprise the population of his region, and his mouvement grow subsequently, including the south of constantine. In spite of all possible means to sacceed, during the months of may and june 1849 by the french autority of ziban, in order to destroy the insurrection of zaatcha, the mouvement of bouzian continous its intensify without ceasing. At the beging of july in 1849, military expedition, commanded by colonel carbuccia, was reached ziban, in order to put end of the revolt. The defeat of this expedition was permited to bouzian, to explore his successes, and to talk about the victory of the holy war combatants against the unfaithfuls, as well as concentrating all of his effort in the aures, to over balance in the mouvement, which was the case after august 1849. If the insurrection of bouzian was started to propagate in the aures, gracefully on the intervention of the principals marabouts of rahmaniyya. This order supply to the insurrection the religious legitimate. The rallying of si abd al-hafidh, permit to mobilize some thousands of followers ready to participate in the armed conflict. But his defeat in seriana (17 september 1849), sapping the dynamic which followed his engagement in the insurrection. In this contexte, a new military expedition, was arrived to zaatcha, 7 october 1849. As it was on july zaatcha againt will be surprise. In refusant to give to menaced by the french, the defenders opposing with vigour. Soon, combattants come to help him, and it became for a period of time of as symbolic center in the struggle against the french. As for the french, after long siege tiring in moment which inflict alot of losses, and after the defeat of the first assault wich take place on 20 october, when they seized zaatcha, on 26 of november after an atack by strike force and they destroyed completely the village and it's population. The insurrection of zaatcha was put down, but the resistance of the village does not tomb in the forget so much. The recollection stay vivace in the memory of the habitants of zab.

Abstract FR:

En 1849, bouzian, habitant d'un petit village des ziban, en l'occurrence zaatcha, souleve la population de sa region et son mouvement se developpe par la suite, englobant le sud- constantinois. En depit de tous les moyens mis en oeuvre, au cours des mois de mai et juin 1849, par l'autorite francaise des ziban, afin d'aneantir l'insurrection de zaatcha, le mouvement de bouzian ne cesse de s'intensifier. Au debut du mois de juillet 1849, une expedition militaire, commandee par le colonel carbuccia, gagne les ziban, dans le but de mettre fin a l'insurrection. L'echec de cette expedition permet a bouzian d'exploiter son succes, concentrant ses efforts sur l'aures afin de le faire basculer dans le mouvement, ce qui fut le cas a partir du mois d'aout 1849. Si l'insurrection de bouzian se propage dans les aures, c'est egalement grace a l'intervention des principaux marabouts de la rahmaniyya. Cet ordre apporte a l'insurrection une certaine legitimite religieuse. Le ralliement de si abd al-hafidh, permet de mobiliser des milliers d'adeptes prets a participer a la lutte armee. Mais, sa defaite a seriana (17 septembre 1849) sape la dynamique qui suivit son engagement dans l'insurrection. Dans ce contexte, une nouvelle expedition militaire, commandee par le general herbillon, arrive a zaatcha, le 7 octobre 1849. Se refusant de se plier aux menaces des francais, les defenseurs s'opposent avec vigueur. Bientot, des combattants viennent au secours de zaatcha qui devient pour un temps, un centre symbolique de la lutte contre les francais. Quant aux francais, apres un long siege fatiguant au cours desquels ils subissent beaucoup de pertes, et apres l'echec d'un premier assaut, survenu le 20 octobre, ils s'emparent de zaatcha, le 26 novembre apres un assaut de vive force, et aneantissent completement le village et sa population. L'insurrection de zaatcha est matee, mais la resistance du village ne tombe pas dans l'oubli pour autant. Durant de nombreuses annees. Le souvenir reste vivace dans la memoire des habitants du zab.