
Une société rurale du XIIème au XIVème siècle en Haute Provence : Les hommes, la terre et le pouvoir dans le pays de Riez

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1998



Aix-Marseille 1



Abstract EN:

My purpose is to examine how the different seigniorial powers of the area concerned were altered and, as a result, how the area was integrated in the process to the political workings of the catalonian and angevine dynasties. The given area underwent mutations one after the others between the late xith century to the years 1340, just before the demographic and economic upheavals, as well as some political troubles of the second half of the xivth century. Let us remind that the local ecclesiastical powers - and especially the episcopalian power - were made up step by step between the gregorian reform and the time when the popes were in avignon. Very soon the church powers evaded the local aristocratic families. The xiiith century followed a period when monastic church ruled over the ecclesiastical structures. It stands for the major moment when the cathedral church was organized. The latter rested on lasting ecclesiastical goods and established itself against the great aristocratic families as a major take over of the earls authority in the area. These families had to face both economic and social mutations such as reorganizing the seigniorial taxes and setting up lineages. As a consequence, they reacted unevently to political mutations - from the xiiith century onwards the earls' powers took over the area both in the military and the administrative fields. The aristocratic power became the more it fell to pieces. It clearly became a social group more and more heterogeneous. However, we can state that some families made the most of a collaboration with the earls' powers, particularly after the first house of anjou settled in provence and in the kingdom of napoli.

Abstract FR:

Le propos de ce travail est d'examiner comment les differents pouvoirs seigneuriaux de la region etudiee ont traverse une periode qui a vu l'integration progressive de cette partie de la haute provence au sein de l'edifice politique des dynasties comtales catalane puis angevine. Entre la fin du xie siecle et les annees 1340, a la veille des bouleversements demographiques, economiques et des troubles politiques de la seconde moitie du xive siecle, l'espace considere connait des mutations successives. Les pouvoirs ecclesiastiques - et notamment le pouvoir episcopal - dont la constitution s'opere en plusieurs etapes entre la reforme gregorienne et le temps de la papaute d'avignon, echappent tres tot aux familles de l'aristocratie locale. Le xiiie siecle, qui succede a une periode ou dominait l'eglise monastique, se presente comme le temps fort de la constitution d'une eglise cathedrale reposant sur un solide temporel et s'affirmant comme principal relais du pouvoir comtal dans la zone, face aux grandes familles de l'aristocratie. Ces dernieres, confrontees a des mutations a la fois economiques et sociales (recomposition du revenu seigneurial, constitution des structures lignageres), reagissent de maniere inegale aux mutations politiques (reprise en main militaire et administrative de la zone par le pouvoir comtal a partir du xiiie siecle). L'aristocratie se destructure au fur et a mesure de son appauvrissement et apparait comme un groupe social de plus en plus heterogene. Au terme de la presente etude, certaines familles parviennent cependant a tirer parti de leur collaboration avec le pouvoir comtal, notamment apres l'installation en provence et dans le royaume de naples de la premiere maison d'anjou.