
Du paganisme a la saintete : l'incorporation des indiens du perou au catholicisme, 1532-1750

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1998



Paris, EHESS



Abstract EN:

The assimilation of native peruvians into the christian religion manifests itself by the will to reproduce their new beliefs both in symbolic as well as institutional terms. The study of the different instruments used for instruction in christian doctrine (catechisms, rites, ceremonies, sermons, images) as well as reports on inquiries concerning native religiosity reveal not only the dynamics of contact (the translation by missionaries of terms identifyng concepts of the christian religion into terms used in native religions, the taking over by the indians of catholic forms of cult and the sacraments) but also differences and rejection (denying the converts the status of christians). Urban reality also reveals the exchanges which led to the establishment of beliefs shared by the whole society although the colonial frontiers which separated the different traditions in contact (indians, spaniards, africans) were maintained. It was by the assertion of the rights associated with their status of christians that the members of the indigenous elite were able to obtain the recognition of indian sanctity and the possibility of becoming priests which permitted them both to reproduce catholicism and also to put to question the categories imposed by colonial power.

Abstract FR:

L'incorporation des indigenes du perou a la religion chretienne se traduisit par une volonte de la reproduire aussi bien en termes symboliques qu'institutionnels. L'etude des differents outils d'evangelisation et de catechese (catechismes, rites, ceremonies, sermons, images), ainsi que des informations sur la religiosite indigene mettent en evidence aussi bien des dynamiques de rapprochement (traduction du christianisme en termes indigenes par les evangelisateurs, appropriation des formes de culte et des sacrements par les indiens) que de differenciation et de refus (negation du statut de chretien pour les convertis). Une approche de la realite urbaine revele egalement les echanges qui ont mene a la construction de croyances communes a l'ensemble de cette societe, tout en gardant et marquant les frontieres coloniales qui separaient les differentes traditions en contact (indiens, espagnols, africains). C'est en revendiquant leur statut de chretiens que les membres des elites indigenes reussirent a faire reconnaitre une saintete indigene et un acces au sacerdoce leur permettant de reproduire le catholicisme mais egalement de questionner les categories imposees par le pouvoir colonial.