L'image dans la societe marocaine a travers le cinema
Paris 7Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
Moroccan society used to be self-seeking. It indergoes a histirical and a transitory period characterized by a cultural instability as well as an attempt that leaves behind the foreign, colonial culture. The advent of state-nation has not managed to suppress the heterogeneousness of the culture. The absence of the movie-making industry keeps the moroccan cinema in a primary state with all its matrial and financial means. Despite the small quality of the films produced, it is rich of several experiences which express a constant search for an original cinema-style purely moroccan. The focus is put on the islamic moroccan society, disregarding the image as a means of expression and representation. There is also a focus on the public who deprived if information and advertisement, remains hardly aware of these experiences.
Abstract FR:
La societe marocaine est a la recherche d'elle meme. Elle traverse une periode historique transitoire caracterisee par une instabilite culturelle et une tentative de rejet des elements d'une culture etrangere coloniale, l'avenement de l'etat-nation n'a pas fait disparaitre l'heterogeneite del la nature. L'absence d'une industrie cinematographique maintient le cinema marocain dans un etat primaire quant aux moyens materiels et financiers dont il dispose. Pourtant malgre le nombre reduit de films realises, il est riche de plusieurs experiences qui expriment une recherche continuelle d'un nouveau langage cinematographique authentiquement marocain. Mais il bute sur une societe marocaine musulmane rejetant l'image comme mode d'expression et de representation, et sur un public qui, faute d'informations et de publicite suffisantes, est rarement au courant de ces experiences.