
Le clergé de Bilbao de 1931 aux années cinquante

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1997



Aix-Marseille 1



Abstract EN:

This thesis aims at verifying in which way and how the political and socio-economical background had an influence over the behaviour and the organization of the low clergy in bilbao from 1931 until the 50's. This study points out how political changes and economics crisises were major factors concerning the way religious structure developed. From 1931 until the 50's, the priest from this specific part of the basque country behaved in a way which showed very clearly how sensitive they were to the changes history was undergoing. A few reasons explained this phenomenon. On the one hand, the low clergy organization was a replica of the socio ecomic rifts found in profane society. On the other hand, the fact clerical members were autochtons themselves increased their sensitivity to the changes of the background they were socially and culturally attached to. Finally the intermediate position occupied by the puest in society put them under the mixed influences of political power and the social background of their time. These various elements stress the close relationschip between the laity and religious society.

Abstract FR:

Cette these a pour objet de verifier dans quelle mesure et comment l'environnement socio-economique et politique influence le comportement et l'organisation du bas clerge de bilbao entre 1931 et les annees cinquante. Cette etude permet d'observer a quel point les changements de regime politique et les crises economiques sont des facteurs determinants dans l'evolution de l'encadrement religieux. Ainsi, de 1931 aux annees cinquante, les pretres de cette partie du pays basque adoptent des comportements qui soulignent leur extreme sensibilite aux bouleversements de l'histoire. Plusieurs raisons expliquent ce phenomene. D'une part, l'organisation du bas clerge reflete les clivages socio-economiques de la societe profane. D'autre part, l'origine autochtone du personnel ecclesiastique accroit sa receptivite aux transformations d'un milieu auquel il est lie socialement et culturellement. Et enfin, la position charniere qu'occupe le pretre dans la societe l'expose aux influences du pouvoir et de l'environnement dans lequel il evolue. Ainsi, ces differents elements mettent en evidence les rapports etroits entre le monde laic et la societe religieuse.