Decoupage technique et etude filmique de "el sur" de victor erice
Toulouse 2Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
The thesis on the film "el sur" by victor erice, consists of two parts. The first part is a cutting after montage, with the sequences and shots in numerical order and a survey of the principal relevant elements: the scale of the shots, the movements of the camera, the description of the shot it self and the principal elements of the sound recording. The second part attempts to show what the film in comparison with the short story that he used as a foundation, is an original piece of work as much in the production as in the relation between the characters and the souvenir expressed. The principal articles and interviews concerning the film and its director are included at the end.
Abstract FR:
La these sur le film de victor erice: "el sur", se compose de deux parties. La premiere est un decoupage apres montage, avec la numerotation des sequences et des plans, et un releve des principaux elements pertinents: l'echelle des plans, les mouvements de camera, la description du plan luimeme, et les principaux elements de la bande sonore. La seconde partie tend a montrer en quoi le film, par rapport a la nouvelle qui lui a servi de base, est une oeuvre originale tant dans la mise en scene que dans les relations entre les personnages et l'expression du souvenir. Sont ajoutes, en annexe, les principaux articles et entretiens concernant le film et son realisateur.