
Le Port romain des Laurons (Martigues)

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1994



Aix-Marseille 1



Abstract EN:

The roman port of laurons (martigues, bouches-du-rhone) was built under the protection of a rocked creek with three coves. The site was perhaps the property of the roman portuary complex in the gulf of fos, the seaside opening of the city of arles. It was occupied since the third century bc until the seventh century ac. The harbour strucutres comprise dykes and piers in big cut stones, as well as un quay, builded out of the wet in a wood caison, well preserved. Among the wreks, the boot 2 is particularly well know for its architecture, because it preserved its deck, and a element of the rudder. The site id perhaps dilis positio,which is called so in the "itineraire maritime" of antonin. It was at the opening of several fertile plains, where ware builed romans villas and agricultural sites. The principal characteristic of this study is the evidence that a harbour site is a unity through very different elements, harbour strucutres, wrecks, maritime villa, graves, aqueduc, and dump, with a important lot of archaeological artefacts, coming of the whole of the mediterranean basin.

Abstract FR:

Le port romain des laurons (martigues, bouches-du-rhone) a ete installe a l'abri par une crique rocheuse tribolee. C'est un site appartenant peut-etre a l'ensemble portuaire romain du golfe de fos, debouche maritime de la ville d'arles. Il a ete occupe du 3e siecle avant j. C au 7e siecle de notre ere. Les structures portuaires comprennent des digues et des jetees en blocs tailles, ainsi qu'un quai construit a sec dans un caisson de bois remarquablement conserve. Parmi les epaves, l'epave 2 est particulierement connue pour son architecture, car elle avait conserve son pont et possedait encore un element de gouvernail. Le site est peut-etre celui identifie sous le dilis posito dans l'itineraire maritime d'antonin. Il etait au debouche de plusieurs plaines fertiles, ou etaient installes des villas et des sites agricoles romains. La principale caracteristique de cette etude est de montrer l'unicite du port a travers des elements tres differents, structures portuaires, epaves, villa maritime, tombes, aqueduc, et depotoir comprenant un important materiel archeologique, provenant de l'ensemble du bassin mediterraneen.