La formation de la propriété foncière des monastères à Cephalonie pendant la domination vénitienne : 16e, 17e, 18e siècles
Paris 1Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
In cephalonia, under the venitian rule, we can observe a considerable development of monastery foundations, in relation, as we believe, with the successfull reconstitution of the local orthodox church as a consequence an important number of lands which was absorbed by the monasteries , created an obstacle for the extention of the private landed property. The study is aimed to describe the processes which gave existence to monasteries in their historical and institutional frame, and also to research the mode of constitution their landed property; in a seconde moment we examme their economical function as cultivated system related to the consuming and to the market.
Abstract FR:
En cephalonie, sous l'occupation venitienne, (xvie, xviie, xviiie siecles), on observe un developpement notable des fondations monastiques; ce phenomene serait, selon nous, a rapporter a la resurgence spectaculaire de l'eglise orthodoxe. L'occupation consecutive d'une grande part des terres arables fit obstacle a l'extension de la grande propriete fonciere privee. Cette etude vise a rechercher les causes qui furent a l'origine des fondations monastiques - au sein de leur contexte historique et institutionnel-, les process de constitution des domaines et leur fonction economique.