La relation roman-théâtre des lumières à nos jours, théorie, études de textes
Paris 3Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
Covering the two last centuries of european literary history, this thesis deals with theatre and novel through their relationship from a historical and anti-essentialist point of view. Theoretical synthesis and study of problematical texts (by sade, ann radcliffe, alexandre duval, hugo, balzac, goncourt, zola, dostoievski, camus, duras, aragon and vitez) and theoretical works (by rousseau, mallarme and brecht), it tells and interprets the relationship between two genres which provides each other with more or less explicit borrowings concerning norms and forms (theatrical adaptation, dramatization of the novel, novelistic influences on theatre, brechtian epic theatre) theatre and novel continually define each other; it appears in many examples of + theatrality ; inside the novel or in the increasing fascination that novel inspires to theatre, in writing and on stage. Confronting former (by bakhtine, lukacs, szondi, barthes), recent (sarrazac) or personal concepts to the works under study, this thesis tends to show that theatre and novel overcome the different formal crisis they pass through only by accepting the part of the other within what allows them to evolve and, despite some resistances, to take part in the aesthetic and ideological building of modernity.
Abstract FR:
Parcourant les deux derniers siecles de l'histoire litteraire europeenne, cette these apprehende theatre et roman a travers leur relation, d'un point de vue historique et anti-essentialiste. Synthese theorique et etude de textes-limites ; (de sade, ami radcliffe, alexandre duval, hugo, balzac, concourt, zola, dostoievski, camus, duras, aragon et vitez) ainsi que d'oeuvres theoriques problematiques (rousseau, mallarme, brecht), elle raconte et interprete la relation entre ces deux genres, qui se nourrissent l'un l'autre par des emprunts plus ou moins explicites de formes ou de normes (adaptation theatrale, dramatisation du roman, romanisation du theatre, epicisation brechtienne, theatre-recit). En effet, theatre et roman se pensent et se definissent sans cesse mutuellement, comme le prouvent maints exemples de theatralite romanesque ou encore la fascination croissante qu'exerce le roman sur le theatre ecriture et scene. Grace a la mise en rapport de concepts anciens (elabores par bakhtine, lukacs, szondi, barthes. . . ), plus recents (sarrazac) ou personnels et des oeuvres etudiees, ce travail defend l'idee que theatre et roman ne sortent des differentes crises formelles qu'ils traversent qu'en assumant la part de l'autre en soi - ce qui leur permet d'evoluer et de s'inscrire, malgre certaines resistances, dans la construction esthetique et ideologique de la modernite.