
Le domaine maritime en occident musulman a l'epoque almohade (douzieme et treizieme siecles)

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1996



Toulouse 2



Abstract EN:

The maritime sector of the islamic occident during the almohad century is by not means as indigenous as it is often made out to have been. The provided informations contradict some interpretations that reduce this sector to only a few activities. The almohad's caliph created and imposed a new dynamic into the region by stressing ambitious maritime politic. Taking up the tradition of the fatimid navy in ifriqiya, of the umayyad navy in al andalus and the almoravid navy, the almohad's caliph aimed at ruling the occidental part of the mediterranean the thesis aims at making these politic public and, at the same time, introducing the protagonists, technics and the many overlapping events. The mu'minid's caliph built and maintained an important fleet that asserted itself as the most important naval power in the occidental mediterranean at the begining of thirteenth century. By that they created a modus vivendi on the sea. Due to this new security, the seemen of andalusian and maghrebin cost were able to initiate renewed activities that were linked to the sea. This contrasted the decades before the arrival of the almohads, whose downward economic situation had slowly reduced the inhabitants of the cost to their maritime horizon. This new dynamic was profitable for both the interrogional maritime trade as well as the transmediterranean trade with the autonomous cities state's of italy and became so important that exchange doubled in less than two centuries. Due to innumerous diplomatic, economic and political contacts the almohads were in the position to play the role of the largest occidental muslin state and to bear this responsability. We regard this double reality of a politic of two faces as an exceptional innovation in the islamic western.

Abstract FR:

Le domaine maritime en occident musulman durant le siecle almohade n'est pas aussi indigent que cela fut si frequemment ecrit. Les informations mises en evidence vont a l'encontre de certaines interpretations reduisant ce domaine a quelques activites marginales. Les califes almohades surent creer et imposer une nouvelle dynamique dans la region en mettant en avant une politique maritime ambitieuse. Reprenant la tradition de la marine fatimide d'ifriqiya, de la marine des umayyades d'al andalus et de la marine almoravide, les califes almohades ont voulu dominer le bassin occidental de la mediterranee. Le sujet est consacre a faire connaitre cette politique, mais tout autant en reveler les acteurs, les techniques et les multiples rebondissements de situations. Les califes mu'minides ont construit et entretenu une importante flotte qui put s'imposer en mediterranee occidentale comme la premiere puissance navale au debut du treizieme reussissant ainsi a instaurer un modus vivendi sur mer. Securises, les marins navigateurs des littoraux andalou-maghrebins purent a leur tour initier un renouveau des activites liees a la mer rompant ainsi avec la conjoncture deprimee des decennies anterieures a l'arrivee des almohades, conjoncture qui avait abouti a la lente reduction des horizons marins des populations cotieres. Cette dynamique fut aussi profitable au commerce maritime inter regional aussi bien que le trans-mediterraneen avec les cites autonomes d'italie qui fut d'une telle importance que les echanges doublerent en moins de deux siecles. En raison des multiples contacts diplomatiques, economiques et politiques qui lui permirent de jouer le role et d'assurer les responsabilites du plus grand etat de l'occident musulman, cette double realite, cette politique aux deux visages nous apparait comme une innovation exceptionnelle en occident musulman.