Les minorites orientales de venise du xive siecle au debut du xvie siecle : du particularisme a l'integration?
Toulouse 2Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
The analysis of the reasons of the oriental people to move to venice ( albanians, arabs, dalmatians, grecks, tartars, turcks) the countries of the origins, their social professional background and their economical standart of living leads to consider the problems bough by this immigration to civil and religious authorities; problems throug which we image the very slow process of assimilation.
Abstract FR:
L'analyse des causes du mouvement de migrations des orientaux ( albanais, arabes, dalmates, grecs, tartares, turcs ) vers venise, des zones de prove nances, des categories socio-professionnelles et de leur niveau economique, amene a examiner les problemes que pose cette immigration aux autorites civiles et religieuses, au travers desquels on saisit le tres lent processus d'assimilation.