L'art théâtral de Mei Lanfang
Paris 3Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
Mei lanfang is the most famous actor of the chinese tranditional theatre. He was admired not only by the chinese audience, but also by western dramatists and cineasts, like stanislavski, mayerhold, brecht and eisenstein. In order to fill a vacancy in the study of mei's theatrical system, we investigate, through his 57 years of artistical life, his repetition methods, his directing theory and his conceptions concerning scenic and cinematic performances, and we will refer to various fields, such as the theatre, the cinema, the danse, the litterature, the painting, the poetry, the linguastics and the philosophy. We also analyse the artistic characteristics of his interpretationon on the stage as well as on the screen.
Abstract FR:
Mei lanfang est le plus celebre acteur contemporain du theatre traditionnel chinois. Il fut admire non seulement par le public chinois, mais aussi par les hommes du theatre et du cinema occidentaux, comme stanislavski, meyerhold, brecht et eisenstein. Pour combler une partie de la lacune dans la recherche sur son systeme theatral, nous avons etudie a travers ses cinquante-sept ans de vie artistique ses methodes de repetition, sa theorie de la mise en scene, ses conceptions de la representation et du tournage, en nous referant au theatre, au cinema, a la danse, a la litterature, a la peinture, a la poesie, a la linguistique et a la philosophe. Nous avons analyse egalement les caracteristiques artistiques de son interpretation et de sa realisation tant sur la scene qu'a l'ecran.