L'Utilisation du théâtre classique dans l'enseignement des techniques de l'expression
Paris 3Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
The use of classical drama has come to be a real fact in the general education system of french school children as well as in the specialized training of actors. Taking this into account leads to ascertain a certain nomber of achievements resulting from the work done on a such texts, which vary noticeably depending on whether that kind of work pertains to a traditional type of study or is rather geared to an approach more specifically related to drama itself. Such interesting developments include namely the improvement of expression and establishing of a better relationship with others, for the learner. The very writing techniques in such texts offer a starting-point for a reflection on the building process of expression and on the procedures taking place in the exchange itself. Indeed, classical drama, thus used as a true pedagogical tool, teaches the structuring of a personal expression, the flexibility of which favours the adapting of it to any kind of exchange situation, -which requires the more or less sophisticated elaboration of a "social" performance, or at least the mastery and control of a given "staged" situation.
Abstract FR:
L'utilisation du theatre classique est une realite dans la formation generale des ecoliers francais et dans la formation specialisee du comedien. L'observation de cette realite conduit a constater un certain nombre d'apports dus au travail effectue sur ces textes. Apports sensiblement differents selon que ce travail correspond a une etude de type traditionnel ou a une approche plus specifiquement theatrale. Parmi ces apports, on peut observer chez l'eleve une amelioration de l'expression et de la relation a autrui. Les procedes memes d'ecriture de ces textes permettent une reflexion sur la construction d'une expression et sur les processus d'echanges. Veritable pedagogie de l'expression, ce theatre apprend a structurer une parole personnalisee et adaptee a toute situation d'echange. Situation necessitant la composition plus ou moins elaboree d'un personnage ou tout au moins la maitrise et le controle d'une expression sociale "representee".