Les non-musulmans dans les pays islamiques des origines au debut du onzieme siecle de l'ere chretienne : statuts juridiques et realite
Toulouse 2Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
In 610, in arabia, in a multi-confessional society, muhammad proclamed himself to be the prophet au the messenger of a new monotheistic religion : 'al islam, submission to a single good : allah. The communa uty ('al'umma) that he managed to create in medine after his hidjra and the state, its natural extension was based on sheer religions principles. The difference in religion led him and his comanions to fight against the "indifels" (the kuffar) who were demonstrating their resistance to islam. If the arab associations ('al musrikun) were compelled to become muslims through force, the people of the book ('ahl 'al kitab) jews and christians who capitulated were subjected to the muslim autority by the conclusion of the contracts of dimma which turned theim into dimmis (ahl al dimma). That people were compelled to pay the capitation tax : djizya and the land tax : haradj in order to conserve their religion and their lands. Besides this duty, the surut of umar the first had subjugated them to other conditions that narrowed deeply their freedom.
Abstract FR:
En 610, en arabie, dans une societe multi-confessionnelle, muhammad se proclame prophete et messager d'une nouvelle religion monotheiste : al islam, soumission a un dieu unique : allah. La communaute ('al 'umma) qu'il a reussi a former a medine apres son hidjra et l'etat, son prolongement naturel etaient bases sur des principes purement religieux. La difference de religion l'a conduit ainsi que ses compagnons a combattre les infideles (les kuffar) qui manifestaient leur resistance a l'islam. Si les associations arabes (al musrikun) etaient contraints a se faire musulmans par la force, les gens du livre (ahl al kitab), juifs et chretiens qui capitulaient etaient soumis a l'autorite musulmane par la conclusion des contrats de dimma qui faisait d'eux des dimmis ('ahl 'al dimma), qui pour se maintenir dans leurs religions et sur leurs terres, etaient obliges de payer la taxe capitation ; la djizya et l'impot foncier ; le haradj. Outre ces obligations, les surut de 'umari les avaient assujettis a d'autres conditions qui limitaient gravement leurs libertes.