
La formation professionnelle aux houilleres du bassin d'aquitaine - groupe tarn - (1941-1971)

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1990



Toulouse 2



Abstract EN:

The aquitaine coal compagny was created by the coal act of may 17 1946. It was merged out of the carmaux and albi companies together with their counterparts in decazeville and aubin. After the liberation, the french economic recovery which was closely dependent on the coal production boosted the new deep mining equipment and the use of new mining methods. Such a modernization worked out by the nationalized companies implied the technical training of the teenage miners. They had to adjust to such a technical progress. This technical training had already been enforced under the vichy administration that recommended the training of apprentices selected for deep mining. So the national aquitaine company did not change such a vocational program to fight the poor unattractive picture of the mining profession and to train the skilled staff required by the new equipment. Was such a goal achieved ? did this training reach its qualitative and quantitative levels ? did this vocational school prepare efficient miners fitted to the job in deep mining pits ? did it educate citizens aware of the outside world ? all these questions are the main themes discussed in this survey.

Abstract FR:

Les houilleres du bassin d'aquitaine ont ete creees avec la loi du 17 mai 1946. Elles regroupaient les societes des mines tarnaises de carmaux et d'albi et les societes aveyronnaises de decazeville et d'aubin. Apres la liberation, la reprise economique francaise qui dependait etroitement de la production houillere stimula le renouvellement de l'outillage du fond et la mise en oeuvre de nouvelles methodes d'exploitation. Cette modernisation qui sera l'oeuvre des entreprises nationalisees necessita une formation professionnelle des mineurs. Ces derniers devaient s'adapter a l'evolution technique. Ce souci de formation etait deja apparu sous le gouvernement de vichy qui incita les compagnies a former leurs apprentis mineurs. Ainsi, les hba poursuivront cet effort pour lutter contre la desaffection du metier de mineur et pour former le personnel specialise rendu indispensable par la modernisation. Est-ce que cet objectif a-t-il ete atteint ? est-ce que la formation a repondu a la modernisation d'une maniere quantitative et qualitative ? l'ecole a-t-elle fourni de bons mineurs de fond aptes au travail demande pour les exploitations souterraines ? a-t-elle forme des citoyens ouverts sur le monde exterieur ?. . .