Jacques-jean esquie (1817-1884), architecte a toulouse
Toulouse 2Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
In haute-garonne, jacques-jean esquie has been during the second empire, both diocesan and departmental architect for almost twenty years. He was also appointed viollet-le-duc's inspector of restoration works in toulouse, and was a member of the departmental council for public buildings. His important official charges allows a study of the still almost unknown provincial architectural institutions which controled the huge production of public buildings during the nineteenth century. Entirely in the haute-garonne department, his work includes some twn houses, alot of restorations, and, above all, many public buildings like the departmental prison and the hospital for the mentally sick which made him carry off a second price at the 1867 universal exhibition of paris. Esquie has chosen obviously the rationalist way which had been openend at the same time during the 1840's by duban (his master in paris), labrouste and viollet-le-duc in different styles. As a brillant archaeologist, esquie has been inspired by the middle ages styles (mostly the romanesque and local types) for religious works but remained deeply devoted to the classical style for civil public and private works.
Abstract FR:
En haute-garonne, jacques-jean esquie fut, durant presque vingt and sous le second empire, a la fois architecte diocesain et departemental. Il fut en outre architecte-inspecteur des travaux de restauration de viollet-le-duc a toulouse et membre du conseil local des batiments civils. Sa brillante carriere officielle permet une etude des institutions provinciales encore aujourd'hui peu connues qui controlent l'enorme production architecturale d'edifices publics au dixneuvieme siecle. Entierement realisee en haute-garonne, son oeuvre comprend quelques immeubles toulousains, beaucoup de restaurations et surtout de nombreuses constructions de batiments publics, tels la prison departementale et l'asile d'alienes qui lui valut un second prix a l'exposition universelle de paris en 1867. Esquie s'engagea nettement dans la voie rationaliste ouverte simultanement vers 1840 par duban (son maitre parisien), labrouste et viollet-le-duc dans des registres stylistiques differents. Au niveau formel, il s'inspira, en archeologue brillant, des modeles medievaux (notamment romans et locaux) pour son architecture religieuse, mais resta fermement attache au classicisme pour ses realisations publiques civiles et privees.