Le théâtre contemporain en Syrie à travers la revue "Al Hayat al Masrahiyya (1977-1987)
Paris 3Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
The apparition of the revue "al hayat al masrahiyya" (theatral life) in 1977 was a reply to the urgent needs of syrian theatre who was, in this period, in research of its way between ancestral patrimony or still depending of occidental culture inwide hegemony in the country. The revue has been marqued by the strong personnality of its chief-editor saadallah wannus, then it looked for deep researches to create an engaged, authentic and "avant-garde" arabic theatre. Edited by ministry of culture in syria, the revue couldn't have all its independance. Therefore its chief-editor had resignd, and the revue had changed in simple catalogue of theoric articles very far from the essential preoccupation of arabic readers. Although it continue to cover all theatral activities in and out of syria (egyptian theatre. . ). In fact, the revue hadn't a preestablished method in the publication of its differents articles and it couldn't still keeping its initial engagements, specially after the departure of the famous theatre writer wannus.
Abstract FR:
L'apparition de la revue al hayat al masrahiyya (la vie theatrale) en 1977 repond a un bes0in urgent a un moment ou le theatre syrien cherchait sa voie entre attachement au patrimoine ancestral et la culture occidentale jugee un peu envahissante. Sous l'impulsion de son redacteur en chef, saad allah wannus et a son image, la revue se veut le creuset de la recherche et de la creation d'un theatre engage d'avant garde et authentiquement arabe. Mais rattachee au ministere de la culture, elle n'a pas toute independance de publication, ce qui conduit son redacteur en chef a demissionner, et la revue devient plus un catalogue d'articles theoriques, eloignes de la preoccupation essentielle du lectorat arabe. Elle couvre cependant l'activite theatrale en syrie et ailleurs (tres important impact du theatre egyptien). En fait, la revue n'a pas de methode preetablie dans la publication de ses differentes rubriques, et globalement elle ne tient pas ses engagements initiaux, surtout apres le depart du grand dramaturge et ecrivain critique wannus, auquel le theatre arabe doit beaucoup.