Judai͏̈sme et représentation : pour un théâtre juif
Paris 3Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
This thesis intends to demonstrate the aesthetic unit of a juwish theater through his jewish ethics about representation and in spite of the dispersion of his people. It includes consequently the yiddish theater - which compose the most obvious part of the iceberg - as the theater which part is less obvious : i melan the jewish theater performed in "local" language; the hebraic theater during the ancient greek ad during modern days - even if it tries to be more "israelian" than jewish. . . For reinforce this theory of a single theater in the lap of his diversity, our hypothesis is accompanied by a praxis which constitutes his proper experimentation, for such an hypothesis can only be formed in the acting of his representation or in a "commentary" which becomes a text. . .
Abstract FR:
Cette these tente de definir l'unite esthetique d'un theatre juif a travers son ethique juive de la representation et en depit de la dispersion de son histoire. Elle prend donc en compte aussi bien le theatre yiddish - qui constitue la partie la plus visible de son iceberg - que le theatre dont la partie est la moins apparente : le theatre juif en langue vernaculaire; le theatre hebraique dans la grece antique comme dans les "temps modernes" - qu'il se veuille juif d'abord ou israelien. . . Pour appuyer cette theorie d'un theatre unique au sein meme de sa diversite, notre hypothese s'accompagne d'une praxis qui l'experimente, et se constitue dans l'agir de sa representation ou dans un "commentaire" qui fait texte. . .