L'influence de la pénétrattion française sur la situation économique et politique du Maroc de 1830 à 1880
Toulouse 2Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
The french protetorat imposed on morocco in 1912, seems to have been prepared by a very slow penetration in the 19th centry. Effectively, from that time, the french influence was varied and provoqued political and economical transformations of the country : this is particularly the subject of our study. The first part gives, on one hand, a panegeric on the morocan traditional system in the time between 1830-1844, still safe of any foreign influence. On the other hand, it makes a flach backe to the historical events of 1844 which have permitted to france to get its first place in morocco, which had to undergo this foreign influence to be transformed. The second part is supposed to demonstrate how the french penetration, omnipresent since 1844, provoked turbulence and upheaval to which the traditional structures of the country could no longer resist. On the economical level, the creation of navigatory means of transport and post services which changed the trad geography of the country. The artisan knew a kind of decline because of the concurence of the european industry and in the end the morocan currency which knew advaluation because of the penetration of the french franc. On the political level, the consulary protectorial regime paralyzed the exercise what is know as the makhzin authority, would it be judiciary or administrative. To this should be atted the fact. That, administration and military services were also transfomed. The 3rd part has as purpose the englobing of the french aims through these transformations. Therefore, the aim was in the last ressort to modify profondly the morocan social institutions. Effectively, important upheaval took place in the mentality, habitudes and social behaviour of the population.
Abstract FR:
Le protectorat francais impose au maroc en 1912, semble etre prepare par une lente penetration au 19e siecle. En effet, depuis ce temps, l'influence francaise, sensible et multiforme, provoqua une transformation des domaines economiques et politiques du pays : c'est l'objet de notre etude. La premiere partie donne, premierement, un tableau du systeme marocain traditionnel entre 1830-1844, echappant encore a toute influence etrangere. Deuxiement, elle fait un rappel historique sur les evenements de 1844 qui avaient permis a la france de procurer la premiere place au maroc : c'est ainsi que ce dernier du subir l'influence francaise et se transformer. La deuxieme partie tient a demontrer comment la penetration francaise, omnipresente au maroc a partir de 1844, avait provoque des perturbations et des problemes auxquels les structures traditionnelles du pays ne pouvaient plus resister. Sur le plan economique: la creation des lignes de navigation et des services postaux modifia profondement la geographie commerciale du pays; l'artisanat de sa part, connut une desagregation due a la concurence de l'industrie europeenne; et enfin la monnaie marocaine subit une depreciation a cause de la filtration du franc francais. Quant au domaine politique, le regime de la protection consulaire paralysa totalement l'exercice de l'autorite makhzenienne tant sur le plan judiciaire qu'administratif. Enfin, l'appareil administratif et militaire du maroc furent aussi transformes. Le but de la troisieme partie est d'arriver a reveler les visees de la france d'apres ces transformations. Ainsi, le but lointain etait de modifier profondement le domaine social du maroc. En effet, d'importants bouleversements se produisirent dans la mentalite, dans les habitudes et dans les comportements de la population.