La société languedocienne d'après les testaments (813-1270)
Toulouse 2Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
This work is based on 204 deeds, half of them are impublished. Its field is that of the royal languedoc. It is divided into two parts: the former is a general survey of the evolution of society, as it appears through the testaments, the later is an edition of texts followed by text analyses. The beginning of the first part called "the time of successors" studies 20 testaments written between 813 and 1050. This period is characterized by the persistence of roman law, thoughit is an alduterated form, and more generally, by fidelity to the social order of ancient rome. But in the xith century, the wills witness of the decay of central power, succeeded by the new relationship based on fidelity 103 testaments from 1050 to 1200 betray both the reorganization of society on a new basis and the resurrection of law. It is "the time of rebirth". The testaments of that time clearly reveal the essential role of the castles and enable us to appraise the frequent rise of the word fief. They also reveal the social rise of the knighs, the growing weight of the lords' rule on village economy and the development of towns. The analysis of the devisors' patrimony enhances the growing importance of metallic currency and above all of mortgage, which is a common practice at the end of the xiith century. In the devisors' behaviour the lineage interest henceforward prevails to the disadventage of the requirements of individuals. This trend is emphasized towards 1180 under the influence of the justinian code and canon law. The last chapter, called "the time of maturity", from 1200 to 1270, includes 81 testaments. Roman law goes ahead and enforces its characteristics: the appointment of heir and the codicillary clause. The importance of notaries is noticeable in the toulouse region. Specie plays a greater and greater part in the devisors' patrimony. City devisors are growing in number. A new spirituality asserts itself, characterized above all by the greater number of masses celebrated for rest of their souls.
Abstract FR:
Ce travail a ete realise a partir de 204 actes dont la moitie sont inedits. Il s'inscrit dans les limites du languedoc royal. Il comporte deux parties: la premiere est une etude generale sur l'evolution de la societe telle qu'elle apparait a travers les testaments, l'autre est une edition de textes assortie d'analyses. Le debut de la premiere partie, intitulee "le temps des successeurs" etudie 20 testaments datant de 813 a 1050. Cette periode est marquee par la persistance du droit romain, meme tres abatardi, et plus globalement, par l'attachement a l'ordre antique. Mais au xies, les testaments temoignent de l'effritement de la puissance publique, relayee par de nouvelles relations de fidelite. 103 actes de 1050 a 1200 refletent a la fois la reorganisation de la societe sur des bases nouvelles et la resurrection du droit, c'est "le temps de la renaissance". Les testaments de cette epoque font bien apparaitre le role essentiel des chateaux; la frequence du mot fief, l'ascension sociale des chevaliers, le poids de plus en plus lourd du seigneur sur l'economie villageoise et l'importance croissante du numeraire. Le credit sur gage est universellement repandu a la fin du xiies. Le comportement des testateurs privilegie desormais l'interet du lignage au detriment des volontes individuelles. Cette tendance est renforcee vers 1180 par l'influence du droit justinien et canonique "le temps de la maturite, 1200-1270", comporte 81 testaments. Le droit romain progresse et impose ses caracteristiques: l'institution d'heritier et la clause codicillaire. L'importance des notaires est remarquable en toulousain. Le numeraire tient une place de plus en plus importante. Les testaments urbains sont de plus en plus nombreux. Une nouvelle spiritualite s'affirme, caracterisee entre autres par la generalisation des messes pour le repos de l'ame.