
Contribution a l'histoire de l'education des enfants inadaptes 1909-1975

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1989



Paris 7



Abstract EN:

In 1909 the state started caring gor the "mentally-handicapped" children. The doctors were the initiaters. Under the popular front, personnalities worked on that optional law to adapt and to try and implement those undertakings brought some coherence and a breakthough in a very short period of time. Under vichy, in spite of a reorientation due to the political context, some actors will manage to have some measures favourable to retarded children voted and implemented. At the time, the struggle for power between the private religious and public sectors broke out. The after-war period will see an important competition developing between the different ministries of health justice education and also between the different categories of jobs in this field that represent an important and powerful job-market. The ministry of health coordinates these initiatives, giving the regional associations for the welfare of children and teenagers (arsea), born under vichy, a clear boost. The coodinated efforts of the new parents 'and doctors' associations will help the arsea find their roots. Though they permitted to bring many children out of the asylum environment, the arsea are going to limit the development of specialised education in the national education system. The medico-social side dominates the issue about handicapped children. Being given only a pedagogical vocation, which is minimized, the national education system is going to try and take in charge the schooling of handicapped children, whatever their deficiency, and to increase structures and the training of specialised teachers. Those breakthoughs create jobs. In 1970, this type of teaching is much debated, the integration of those handicapped children and teenagers is the issue. The problem remains. "how to have a successful integration ".

Abstract FR:

En 1909, l'etat prend en charge les enfants "anormaux". L'impulsion vient des medecins. Sous le front populaire, des personnalites se sont penchees sur cette loi facultative pour l'amenager et tenter de l'appliquer. Rapidement, ces travaux aboutissent a une coherence, a une avancee, sous vichy, malgre un inflechissement du au contexte politique,certains acteurs font passer et adopter des mesures benefiques a l'enfance inadaptee. Apparaitra alors une lutte d'influence entre prive confessionnel public. L'apresguerre entraine une concurrence quasi constante entre les ministeres sante justice education, idem pour les professions issues de ce champ qui ouvrent un marche du travail tres puissant. Le ministere de la sante coordonne ces initiatives, donnant un elan aux associations regionales de sauvegarde de l'enfance et de l'adolescence (a. R. S. E. A. ), amorcees sous vichy. Les efforts conjugues d'associations naissantes parents medecins permettent aux a. R. S. E. A. De s'enraciner. Bien qu'ayant permis de sortir des milieux asilaires nombre d'enfants, les a. R. S. E. A. Freinent le developpement de l'enseignement special dans l'education nationale (e. N. ). L'aspect medicosocial de l'enfance inadaptee domine. On ne reconnait a l'e. N. Qu'une vocation pedagogique tout en la minimisant. L'e. N. Tente de reprendre en main la scolarite des enfants inadaptes quelque soit leur deficience : developpe structures d'accueil, formation de maitres specialises. Ces avancees creent d'autres professions. En 70, cet enseignement est controverse, on parle de l'integration de ces enfants et adolescents handicapes, le probleme est : "comment reussir l'integration?".