
Le monument public français : l'exemple de Lyon

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1987



Paris 1



Abstract EN:

The french public monument, ephemeral (entries, feasts of the revolution, funerals) and permanent (fountains, crosses, statues of the virgin; honorific tombs and war memorials; representations of the monarchy, national & local worthies; abstract sculptures) is studied from the middle ages to 1986 through the example of lyon and other towns, troughout 7 volumes: 1 study (2 volumes), 871 pages; 2 documents: official papers, letters written by artists. . . , 409 pages; 3 catalogue of ephemeral monuments in lyon, 508 pages; 4 catalogue of permanent monuments, 623 pages; 5 album of 1125 photographs, 538 pages; 6 appendix (foot notes, additions bibliography, maps: churchyards & cemeteries, 14 historical town maps locating the position of the monuments, index), 435 pages. The public monument is first studied from its birth to its death: function, definition, cycle; promotion, legislation, financing; location, removals. Choice of artists and projects; construc tion. Life, protection & destruction. Mecanism of commemoration. Pantheon of worthies. A second part studies the materials & the technics, the architectural structures, the language of the monument: inscriptions, representation of the world, plants, animals (with a special study on the lion), gods, allegories, worthies from lyon; personnifications of love for the mother country; the art of representation. A third part replace the monument in the history of town & country: monuments of faith (middle ages to 16th century); ephemeral monuments of the king in visit (1548-1645); permanent figures of the established monarchy (1646-1738); monuments born from town planning & urbanity (1739-revolution); monuments for temporary liberty (revolution); uncompleted monuments for vanished victories (first empire); historical face of the monarchy (restauration); historical figure of fran ce (monarchy of july); temporary monuments of the revolution of 1848; the triumph of the empty figure (second empire); liberty, fight for mother country, progress, passion for statues of worthies (1871-1918); the scenographic monument (1919-1945); from the fall of the commemorative monument to the rise of the abstract sculpture (1945-1986). An essay on the public monument put an end to the book.

Abstract FR:

Le monument public francais, ephemere (entrees, feux d'artifice, illuminations, fetes revolutionnaires, pompes funebres) et permanent (hydrauliques; religieux; funeraires individuels (concessions honorifiques) et collectifs (monuments aux morts); commemoratifs (culte des hommes exemplaires); decoratifs et abstraits est etudie, du moyen-age a 1986, plus particulierement a travers l'exemple de lyon mais aussi d' autres lieux, au cours de 7 volumes : 1 etude (2 volumes), 871 pages; 2 documents et pieces justificatives (textes officiels, correspondances d'artistes etc. ), 409 pages; 3 catalogue des monuments ephemeres lyonnais, 508 pages; 4 catalogue des monuments permanents, 623 pages; 5 album, 1125 illustrations, 538 pages; 6 annexes (notes, additions, bibliographie, atlas: plans des aitres et des cimetieres lyonnais; 14 plans historiques situant les monuments, index, 435 pages. Le monument public est d'abord envisage de sa naissance a sa mort: existence, fonction, definition, cycle. Promotion, legislation, financement. Emplacement, deplacement. Choix des artistes et des projets. Edification, processus et duree. Longevite, protection, destruction. Mecanisme de la commemoration. Pantheon des hommes exemplaires. Une seconde partie etudie les materiaux et les techniques, les structures architecturales, le discours didactique: inscriptions, representation de l'univers, flore, faune (etude elargie du lion), personnages (divinites, allegories, pantheon lyonnais, incarnations de l'amour de la patrie); l'art de la representation. Une 3e partie replace le monu ment dans le contexte de l'histoire de la cite et de la nation: monuments de la foi et de l'utilitaire (moyen-age 16e siecle); monuments ephemeres du pouvoir en visite (1548-1645); effigies permanentes du pouvoir installe (1646-1738); monuments d'urbanisme et d'urbanite (1739-revolution); monuments de la liberte provisoire (revolution); monuments inacheves des victoires evanouies (1e empire); visage historique de la monarchie (restauration); figure historique de la france (monarchie de juillet); monument interimaire (revolution de 1848); triomphe de l'effigie vide (2e empire); liberte, patrie, progres, statuophilie (1871-1918); monument scenographique (1919-1945); declin du monument commemoratif et essor de la sculpture abstraite (1945-1986). Un essai sur le monument public: cycle historique, expression d'un continuum lieu-espace-temps, langage et fonction acheve l'ouvrage.