
Les Relations entre le Gabon et les pays asiatiques de 1960 à nos jours : enjeux et bilan d'une coopération

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1996



Paris 4



Abstract EN:

Our doctoral thesis is dealing about the diplomatic relations between gabon and the asian coutries. The first part of this work is based on the establishements of that cooperation. One can notice that the very cooperation comes up not only to a necessity of the opening up of gabon towards abroad, but also to the strengthning of her economy, as the country's main characteristic is the lack of her own capital. The second part is centered on the assessment of that cooperation. However, that coope ration has been based on many aspects of the social, and economic life of gabon. Besides the trade exhanges, the cooperation between gabon and the asian countries has been established in the fields such as investments and trainings and finally exhanges of great value and of cultural experiences.

Abstract FR:

Notre these traite des relations entre le gabon et les pays asiatiques. La premiere partie est consacree aux fondements de cette cooperation. On remarque que celle-ci repond non seulement a la necessite d'une plus large ouverture politique du gabon a l'exterieur, mais s'inscrit aussi dans le cadre de la consolidation et son economie, pour un pays dont la caracteristique principale est le manque de capitaux propres. Dans la seconde partie, il est question du bilan de ladite cooperation. Celle-ci aura en effet concerne plusieurs aspects de la vie socio-economique du gabon. Outre les echanges commerciaux, la cooperation gabono-asiatique, s'est egalement, exercee dans les domaines des investissemetns et de la formation, ainsi que des echanges de valeurs et d'experiences culturelles.