Traduction commentee de l'histoire d'armenie de yovhannes drasxanakertsi
Paris 1Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
Yovhannes drasxanakertsi, the patriarch of the armenian church under the regions of kings smbat i (890-913) and achot ii (913-928), his son, is the author of o history of armenia, wich he wrote in a period full of troubles and agitations. The history of armenia has an important place in the armenian historiography, as it is the only text wich recounts us the events wich took place in armenia from the 9 th century till the begining of the 10th century. The text is presented in the the begining of the 10th century. The text is presented in the form of a narrative devided into several chapters of unequal length; the first part of the narrative, from the flood of noah up to the 786, is a large compilation of older texts, and the second an longest part, recounts the arab domination of armenia, from the 9th to the 10th centuries as well as the relationships that armenia had with its neighbours, the bysantins, iberians, albanians, egres etc.
Abstract FR:
Yovhannes drasxanakertsi, patriarche de l'eglise armenienne sous les rois bragatuni smbat i (890-913) et son fils achot ii (913-928), est l'auteur d'une histoire d'armenie qu'il redigea pendant une periode de trouble et d'agitation. L'histoire d'armenie occupe une place importante dans l'historiographie armenienne parce que c'est le seul texte qui nous relate les evenements qui se sont deroules en armenie du ixe siecle. Le texte se presente sous la forme d'un recit divise en plusieurs chapitres d'inegale longueur ; la premiere partie du recit, du deluge de noe a 786 est une vaste compilation de textes anciens et la deuxieme partie, la plus longue, relate la domination des arabes en armenie du viiie siecle, ainsi que les rapports de l'armenie avec ses voisins bysantins, iberiens, albanais, egres etc.